Starting Fires

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It happened quite quickly. You were simply just buying a papaya and then screams and cries of people made your head jerk. You hadn't seen the Fire Nation ship roll in, nor the rhinos they were using to walk around town. 
As you ran to the firebenders, you warned everyone you could and told them to stay inside. The warriors on the Island were there before you. They were fighting the Fire Benders. 

Smoke was rising from behind them, fire grabbing anything it could. You noticed a fire bender. The one at the front. It was Firecracker, the one who though you were the Avatar.

"Come out Avatar, don't hide from me!" Zuko yelled.

"Oi!" You yelled out after him, airbending him to try and get him off the rhino, but he dodged.

"Where did you hide him?!" Zuko yelled.

"Yeah, let me just tell you real quick." You airbend upwards and spin around as you try to attack him. You hit him the the face, but a blast a fire sent you away.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice yells. Your head snaps up at the sound of Aang.

"Aang! No, stay where you are!" You warn him not to take a step closer.

You run up towards Zuko's rhino and air-bend one of it's legs so it falls. Zuko grabs onto the reins of the beast and steadies it as he send fire blasts at you. You push them away with the air and you jump and tuck your knees, and reach one leg out to kick Zuko in the head.
Zuko protects himself with his arm and throws fire at your escape point and then grabs you by the air.

"Do not mess with me, little girl." Zuko hisses.

"We're the same age." You reply, he barely looked older than you if he was older.

Zuko scoffs and throws you away, which is surprisingly far. You crash into the side of a house. You lean up on your arms and look up, blowing the hair out of your face.
You took in a breath before pushing yourself off the ground, you ran straight for Zuko and jumped into the air, grabbing him and pushing him around. You leaned backwards as you wrapped your legs around the back of his head. 
Zuko fell on the ground, and you kicked him in the head before getting up. Zuko shot out fire a you, which you narrowly missed.

A roar from ahead told you Appa was coming. You looked at the bison, finding Aang, Katara, Momo and Sokka anxiously waiting for you so they could leave. You dropped to the ground and stuck out your leg, whipping it around, making Zuko fall back down.
You took this opportunity to run towards Appa.

"Yip yip!" You yelled at Appa, so he would get off the ground.

You knew Zuko was running after you. Appa was a few feet into the air, so you air bended towards Appa, sticking your hand out for someone to grab. Sokka and Katara grabbed your hand. With the help of the siblings, they lifted you back on Appa. 

"Are you okay?" Katara asked you once you were safely on Appa.

You nodded and looked back down. The village was on fire, and Zuko had gone back to his rhino.
"Wait a second!" Aang yelled before he jumped off Appa.

In a state of panic, you tried to reach out and grab him, but you missed and he went down into the waters below.

"Aang! You little shi-" you didn't get to finish your sentence before Aang shot up out of the water with the Ugnai. He was riding it for spirits sake.

Aang angled the Ugnai and somehow made it spit water over the village. When all the fires were put out, Aang jumped off the giant eel and went back to Appa.

"Aang, that was amazing." Katara says, in awe of Aang.

Aang looked towards you with a guilty look on his face. "I know it was dangerous."

"Yeah, it was." You crossed your arms. " did good." You smiled softly for a moment to slap Aang's bald ass head. "Still dangerous tho."

Aang smiled at you, happy he got some praise from you.
"Still, we can't go parading around saying your the avatar. We have to be careful where we go and we can't stay in that place for a long time, do you understand?"

Aang nods his head. You slap his bald head one more before going over to Appa and taking the reins. You flew for a while, but everywhere you looked it was just water. You knew Appa had to be getting tired since he was getting a little closer to the water and he was moving slower.

Sokka, Katara and Aang were passed out on Appa's saddle. You heard Appa groan as he dipped closer to the water. You reached down and patted Appa on his cheek.
"I know buddy, but I can't find any land, The second we see it we'll land, okay?" Appa groaned back.

The black of night made it hard to see anything, but you felt Appa move a little more quickly to the left. You couldn't see where he was going for a few seconds, but you saw the silhouette of the island Appa was heading for.
"Good boy, Appa." You scratched his ear.

Appa landed on the ground and you air bended the three sleeping ones off the bison and on to the ground and you started a fire. As you looked for more firewood you found a bush shrub full of berries, you ate one yourself to check they were okay before breaking the bush off the ground and bringing it to Appa.

"Here you go boy, eat up and rest." You placed the berry shrub in front of Appa as he happily eat them.

You made yourself a bed near the fire, but before you went to sleep, you looked around the tiny island just to make sure no one would ambush you. Satisfied with the answer you went to go to sleep. 

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