The War In Ba Sing Se

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As Zuko walked ahead of his uncle, he didn't expect for him to bring back a vase of flowers. Zuko gave Iroh a judgy look as he glanced at the orange petals. A colour that reminded him of a 'violent' airbender.

"I just want our new home to look nice in case someone brings home a lady friend." Iroh gave Zuko a closed eye smile as he nudged the teen.

Zuko hesitated in his step, hating he still thought of that airbender. His uncle would noticed his pause, so she kept going, trying to block that girl out of his head. "This city is a prison, I don't wanna make a life here."

"Life happens whether you like it or not, now come on! I got us some new jobs, and we start this afternoon." Iroh smiled to himself as his remember who he found a tea shop needing new workers.

Zuko, however, wasn't so giddy-giddy about it. The owner of the shop stood in front of them as Zuko and Iroh out on aprons, showing they worked at the place.

"We'll, you certainly look like offical tea servers." The man smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Ridiculous." Zuko was quick to respond.

"Uh, does this come in an extra size?" Iroh asked as he struggled to make the string ends met.

"I have xtra string in the back, have some tea while you wait." This man poured two cups of tea before moving out the back to find said string. Iroh downed the tea and quickly disliked it. "Ugh! This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!"

"Uncle, that's all tea is." Zuko shook his head.

"How could a member of my own family say something so horrible." Iroh must have forgotten who else was in his family. The old man stepped forward grabbing the tea pot and throwing the tea out the window, discussing the changes he would soon to make.

"The upper ring is home to out most important citizens, your house is not too far from here." After seeing the wreck of a village and the types of bunch of houses that were stacked together in the previous city, you felt bad just skipping over it. You would make a 0an to go down there and check it out.

After going past the palace and getting very friendly looks from the Dai Li, you made it to the place you would be staying in. Joo Dee, the woman showing you around didn't waver her smile the entire time. It was almost sinister.

"More good news." She said, looking at a scroll which was just handed to her. "Your request to speak to the Earth King has been processed and should be put through in, about a month! That's more quickly than usual."

"A month?" You walked down the steps, getting closer to Joo Dee. "We need to alert the Earth King about who to stop the fire-nation from winning the war! This is urgent!"

"The fire-nation cannot enter Ba Sing Se, you are safe here." Her smile was something you wanted to smack.

The lady followed you into the house, saying how happy you all should be. Something about her was off, that was obvious. Her unwavering smile and her habit of ignoring the war and anything was the fire-nation was strange. She didn't even let you go out by yourself, so going into the lower class area of Ba Sing Se would be more difficult, but that only made you want to go more.

To find Appa, you went to the closet pet stores around, but none of them knew anything about a giant flying bison. Even, the geeky student at the university couldn't tell you anything, he just said to speak with the professor was that 100% dead in an ancient library in the middle of the desert.

"Well, I'm sorry you couldn't find your bison." Joo Dee Apollinaire the seat of the ride. "Why don't you try and get some rest, someone will be over with dinner later."

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