Hello, Zuko Here

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You couldn't help it. In your time, it's only been a few months since you left the Western Air Temple, and if your counting from the day you left to when you got stuck in an ice berg, it's only been 6 weeks. But, in reality it's been a whole century. Everything looked a lot messier, and there was over grown weeds and grass sprouting from cracks in walls and the floor.

So, you couldn't help but to look for your room. It wasn't really your old room since it was more than likely that nobody moved in when you were away. And this was your home, so of course you still had a room.

You stared a little longer at the Yang Chen statue then you usually did when you walked past. They called her a 'prosperous and peaceful' avatar, a person to look up to. You trained your head forward and kept on walking. The last door on the left, facing the mountain. You had the biggest window, therefore the best room.

The door was a little jammed, but you managed to break it open. The window was left open, just like how you left it. The sheet on your bed was still untidy and the drawn bulleyes mark was still on the back of your door with the tiny holes left around it when you practices your perfection. The only thing added was the mass pile of dust in the room. You walked around it all and opened the window more before you swished your arms around and made a mini dust tornado. You held it for a moment, then dispersed of it out the window. The room was as good as new.

"Spirits, this takes me back." You say this as if you were actually 116 years old. Which, you are, but then again, not really.

"Aang!" Sokka yelled from outside. This caught your attention and made you walk towards the window to peer outside. "Aang, we need to talk about the future!"

"Alright! But only if we..." his voice got smaller as he went closer to the ground. You sighed and picked up your glider and flew down to them.

"Oh, your going to love the all day echo chamber!" Aang said excited about it. Just hearing the words made you excited, but there was time and place to think about.

"Aang, I know how difficult it is to focus, even right after everything that just happened, but we need to think about this." You lean all your weight into on foot as you land in front of them.

"Uh yeah, I think that's going to have to wait." Toph says, seeing through her feet. However, everyone else on earth can't physically do that, so we all looked at her for an answer.

That's when Appa moved out of the way, showing Zuko standing right behind you 5. You jumped to action, stepping in front of the group and holding your glider out like a weapon. But the glare alone was a weapon, you were not in mood today.

"Hello, Zuko here."

From behind you, you heard the four kids get into defensive positions and stances. You were in a stance yourself and ready to prance on Zuko at any time.

"I heard you around down there, and I thought I'd wait for you here!" Zuko was acting all jolly and happy, as if we were all life-long friends.

Appa then roared at him, and you thought the bison would eat the Fire Nation Prince, but instead, Appa just licked him, twice.

"I guess you must be surprised to see me here." Zuko whipped off the saliva that Appa left on his face.

"Not really, since you've followed us all over the world." Sokka added. You didn't even take the time to spare a glance away from Zuko, not after what he did at Ba Sing Se.

"Right...anyways, what I'm here to tell you...is...I've changed. I'm good now and that I think I should join your group -oh, and that I can teach fire-bending." Zuko says, oh-so casually. "See, I-"

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