Jerky-Flavoured Fire

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"How did you do that?! With the water!" Katara asked, awestruck. "It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen."

"I don't know, I just sort of, did it." Aang says, puzzled.

"Why didn't you tell us, you were the avatar?" Katara asks in a slightly hurt tone.

"Because, I...never wanted to be." Aang shrugged, looking down.

"But Aang." Katara makes him look up. "The whole world has been waiting for your return and so you can finally put an end to this war!"

"But how am I supposed to do that?"

"According to legend, you meant to master, water, earth and then fire, right?" Katara asks.

"That's what the monks told me."

"Well, if we go to the north pole, you can master water bending!"

"We could do it together!" Aang's face lit up. He totally had a little thing for Katara.

"And Sokka, you could knock some fire bender heads along the way, I'm sure you will." Katara turns to her brother.

"Oh, I'd like that." Sokka gives a little smirk. "I'd really like that."

"Then we're in this together!" Katara beams as she turns around and faces Aang once more.

"Alright, but first I have some serious business to attend to." Aang smiles as he whips out a map. "Here, we'll ride the hopping Llama's. Then way over here we'll surf on the backs of the giant Koi Fish!"

"Oh, we are never gonna make it to the northern water tribe."


"Wait till you see it Katara, the air temples are one of the most beautiful places in the world!" Aang says as he fixes the ropes around Appa.

"Except for the bison stalls... they're not so pretty." You mutter.

"Aang, Y/n... I know your both excited, but you haven't seen the place in over a hundred years." Katara sooths us softly.

"That's why I'm so excited!" Aang beams.

"Its just that...a lot can change in that amount of time." Katara says, looking to you for help. You nodded.

"I know, but I need to see it for myself." Aang drifted down and off Appa, you followed him.

"Aang? You know Katara's right. Not...not everyone is going to be there. You understand they can't live forever." You say as you follow Aang over to Sokka who was sleeping.

"Yep." Aang said, not listening to what you had to say. The boy was too excited. "Wake up Sokka! Air temple time!"

Sokka groaned. "Sleep now. Temple later."
You huffed and placed a hand on your hip. On the ground next to you was a stick, a sly grin fell upon your face as you picked it up and handed it over to Aang.

The young avatar creeped over to Sokka and began poking him with the stick, saying: "Sokka! Wake up! There is a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!"

"AAHH!" Sokka screamed, making you slap a hand over your mouth as you watched him desperately try to hop around in his bag. "Get it off! Get if off!"

Katara giggled as he fell chin first into the dirt. "Great, your awake!" You smile.

"Let's go!" Aang marched towards Appa.

Sokka began muttering words to himself as he struggle to escape his sleeping bag. Once he finally kicked it off himself, you stuck a hand out to him so he could get up on Appa. He didn't use it at first, but when he was struggling to hop on, he grabbed your hand.

"There you go." You say as you leaned back and pulled him on board. "Wasn't that bad now, was it?"

"Yip Yip!" Aang called out and then Appa went up into the air.

You leaned your head on the saddle ends as you looked below you, the ground soon became very small and then all you could see were some clouds. Sokka began making a small mess as he was searching the bags.
He then grabbed his stomach.

"Ay, stomach be quiet alright? I'm trying to find you some food." Sokka then rummaged around in his bag and tipped it upside down to only find very few  crumbs. "Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?"

"Oh, that was food? I kinda used it to start the fire last night." Aang says as he glances back to look at Sokka.
You laugh through your nose as you dug into your pockets.

"You what?" Sokka yelled before sinking into the saddle. "No wonder the flames smelled so good..."

You found some berries in your pocket that still tasted good, you extended your arm over to Sokka, holding the food out before him. Within a flash,  Sokka jumped up and inhaled the berries.

"You're a goddess!" He thanked you.

Aang's voice got hold of your attention again. "The Potola Mountain Range!"
You admired the mountains as Appa flies around them. "We're almost there."

Katara shifted "Aang...Y/n, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders."

"What about them?" Aang seemed unfazed.

"Well, it's just I want you to be prepared to what you might see. The fire nation is truly ruthless, they killed my mother and they might have done to same to your people." Katara touched her necklace.

"Just because no one has seen an air bender for a long time, doesn't mean they're extinct. They probably escaped." Aang looks on the bright side of things.

"Yeah, Katara- Sokka as well, I'm sorry about your mother, but the fire nation wouldn't possibly be able to kill every single air bender. I'm sure someone must have fought back...maybe." You say, looking ahead.

"You don't understand Katara, the only way to get to an air temple is by a flying bison. Last time I checked, the fire nation doesn't have any bison, right Appa?" Aang patted Appa.

The air-nomads aren't excint. They can't be...right?

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