An Unexpected Visitor

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Hey guyyyyss! you liking my fanfic so far? hope you are :D anyhoo, don't have much to say so here is the next chapter!

Liam woke up to the sensation of a warm body being pressed against him. It was still early so it took his brain a few moments to process what had happened the day before. He turned his head to see a mop of dark hair covering his shoulder. He flipped his body over to face Zayn and smiled as he began to wake up.

“Morning beautiful” Liam said softly coaxing Zayn out of sleep.

“Urg” Zayn let out, taking in his surroundings before his eyes became fixed on Liam’s once more. “Oh, hey babe” He leaned upwards and Liam took this as a que to lean in capturing Zayn’s lips in his. He loved the feeling he got when he kissed Zayn. It was a magical feeling that could compare to no other.

They pulled away smiling wordlessly at each other until Zayn broke the silence.

“Could I, um, use your shower?” He asked.

“Sure, I’m gonna go and make breakfast for when your done”

“Ok, thanks”

The pair headed in their separate ways; Liam walking to the kitchen. He didn’t have much food in, so would just make some simple toast with jam for a small breakfast. Seeing as Zayn wouldn’t be done in the shower for at least another few minutes, he wandered aimlessly around the small apartment before pushing down the little handle on the toaster, turning it on. He was about to open the fridge to get the butter and jam ready when he heard a knock at the door. Walking into the hallway, he saw Niall letting himself in; Liam had given him a spare key in case he ever lost his.

“Oh, hey” Liam greeted, unsure of why Niall had turned up at his apartment without any notice.

Niall took in his appearance, and Liam noticed he was still in his boxers that he has slept in.

“Um, hi Li” Niall said slightly awkwardly looking at Liam’s clothes (or lack of them) “Why aren’t you ready? I'm driving you to rehearsals today.”

“Oh shit” Liam swore under his breath. The truth was he was so caught up with Zayn that he had completely forgotten about rehearsals, not to mention that Niall was taking him.

“How could you forget, that’s not like you.” Niall looked genuinely confused. He was right; Liam was usually the one who got them all ready in time no matter what.

Just then the bathroom door opened behind Liam and he turned to see a dripping wet Zayn, with nothing but a towel hanging around his waist. Excellent timing there, Zayn he thought sarcastically. He took in Zayns body, god he is gorgeous… wait, do I really think that? Yes, I guess I do. But how have I never noticed this body of his? The defined abs, the-

“ummm, guys” Niall tried to break the little ‘moment’ the pair were having. If he had looked out of place before, it was nothing compared to how he was feeling now. Both boys’ heads whipped round to look at Niall, looking just as, if not more, uncomfortable than him. “What’s going on?” Niall asked, unsure if he wanted to know the answer.

Both Liam and Zayn shifted uncomfortably on the spot. Neither boy was ready to let out their secret yet. After a long silence and a lingering look from Niall, Liam finally spoke up. “Um, can we just, um, go and get dressed. Be back in a minute” he let out before sprinting to his bedroom, Zayn close behind him.

“Are we gonna tell him then?” Zayn asked

“I guess we kinda have to, we don’t have much choice” Liam quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head.

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