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A/N I would like to just say that this is not actually how i think of Ziam, I don't believe that they are gay or in a secret relationship. All events that take place and the characters in this fanfic are part of my imagination and are FICTION! (sorry just had to get that out before you read it)

Zayn strolled through his apartment picking lose objects up and generally making the place tidier. He previously invited the other four boys round for the evening and they were likely to simply watch a movie and have a takeaway for dinner.

He soon heard the door open, Niall and Louis making their way in after letting themselves in with a spare key. Zayn greeted them and left them to make themselves comfy in the living room while he fixed his hair for possibly the millionth time that evening. No, he didn’t have to look perfect, but he took pride in his appearance; especially when he was meeting Liam. Yes, he figured that he may have a slight crush on Liam. Scrap that, he was fully aware that he was deeply in love with his band mate. It had taken him a while to get used to the feelings, but it was obvious to him now. Since they had become a band, the pair had always been really close, spending loads of time together. As time went by Zayn had felt himself develop stronger, less platonic, feelings for Liam. He had learned to accept and live with these feelings. The problem was he had yet to tell Liam; he was scared of how the younger boy would react.

Distracted from his thoughts, Zayn heard a knock on the door. He opened it, revealing both Harry and Liam standing on the doorstep.

“ZAYN!” Harry exclaimed, entering the house.

“HARRY” Zayn mimicked Harry’s exited tone. Harry stepped inside, smiling, and walked to the living room, leaving Liam with Zayn in the hallway. Liam was wearing one of his plain grey t-shirts and a pair of jeans, not bothering to try too hard for the casual occasion. But god did he look amazing Zayn thought. He would look good in anything he wears … or nothing. Zayn looked up so see Liam looking at him slightly uncomfortably, realising his imagination may have gone slightly too far. He had been staring at Liam for more than the ‘normal’ amount of time, no wonder Liam was feeling awkward.

Zayn motioned for him to step inside and shut the door behind him before joining everyone on the (probably too small for five) couch. All five of them spent the next hour playing on Zayn’s Xbox, taking turns as Zayn only had 3 controllers.

“Come on Zayn, you’ve been playing for ages.” Niall whined and Zayn reluctantly gave in and handed him the remote. Niall took it eagerly, with a grin on his face and the game began. But Zayn wasn’t concentrating on the game; he just couldn’t keep his eyes off Liam, whose shirt was a little tighter than it needed to be, lightly showing off his toned abs that Zayn took great pleasure in half-drooling over. God he is perfect. Liam stretched, which caused the bottom of his shirt to rise slightly. Zayn could see his faint V line leading down to his… fuck, be more appropriate Zayn. Zayn saw Liam turn to look at him and realised he had been staring. He immediately turned his face to the floor and could feel his face start to heat up. Come on Zayn; just tell him that you like him… No, and anyway, the rest of the boys are here, I couldn’t. The two sides of his brain argued with themselves as he tried to rid himself of the awkwardness created.

“Umm, what does everyone want to eat for dinner, I’m getting a little hungry.” Zayn asked, trying desperately not to look directly at Liam.

“Well… What about that takeaway pizza place just around the corner?” Niall paused the game for a moment, devoting his attention to the conversation… which was obviously about food.

“Yeah that sounds good,” Louis agreed along with more nodding heads.

After ordering their food and playing a few more rounds on the Xbox, Louis and Harry decided to walk down the street to collect the pizzas. No one could trust Niall to go out of fear that there would be no food left by the time he arrived back at the apartment.

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