Happily ever after...

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Last chapter/epilogue thing :'(

Liam POV

The last of the boys walked through the door and we all made ourselves comfortable in mine and Zayn’s living room. All the lads and I decided that we just needed to hang out together and have a laugh just like we used to. We had a concert that night but it was in London so we didn’t need to leave the house until later in the afternoon.

I laughed as Niall jumped on my back unexpectedly, knocking me to the floor. Soon enough, Niall was pounced on by Harry, then Louis, then lastly Zayn; while I was stuck at the bottom of the pile, struggling to breathe. I somehow managed to turn my body over so I was facing the four boys on top of me. Zayn looked down at me, kissed my quickly on the lips, and slid off the pile of people, obviously noticing my discomfort.

The remaining three clambered of the pile while I stayed lying on the floor, catching my breath. Zayn reached down and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and pulling me up off the floor. I stood up, our hands still connected, and began to make our way over to the second couch when we heard a shout.

“Hey,” Niall called.

We both turned around and saw him staring at our hands. So what? Surely they would be used to us holding hands by now. His eyes flickered from our joined hands, to Zayn’s left hand hanging loosely by his side.

“Are you guys, like, getting married?” he asked, an emotion I couldn’t read on his face.

I looked down to see the ring Zayn had given me yesterday, him wearing an identical one on his hand also.

“Ah,” I let out, now understanding why Niall was interested in our hands.

“No …” Zayn denied Niall’s suspicions. “Well not yet,” he added with a wink.

“Yeah, they’re just promise rings,” I confirmed. “There’s no wedding just yet, but it reminds us that it could happen in the future.” I said and they all cooed at us.

“Aww that’s so cute,” Louis said smiling, while Harry reached out for my hand, wanting to inspect the ring.

“Nice,” he said approvingly and we both smiled. Zayn put his arm round my waist, pulling me towards him and I melted into his side.

“What do you think Ni?” I asked, realising he hadn’t given his input.

“You know what I think?” he asked, slightly annoyed. “I think you should go and find the nearest priest, and go get married already. You’re obviously perfect for each other.” He said with a smirk, but judging by his face, he meant what he said.

I blushed slightly, looking up at Zayn, who smiled at me and kissed me on the lips. “We just want to slow things down a bit, not rush into anything,” Zayn explained. “Our relationship has been moving quite fast and I don’t want either of us to be forced into something we’re not ready for.”

It was true, our relationship had been moving fast but, considering we had been friends beforehand, I don’t think it was a big deal. If you think back, it has been a pretty weird journey we’ve been on in this past month or so. When, at first, I was unsure of my feelings and had no clue what I was doing, it wasn’t uncomfortable and it didn’t feel wrong to do that with my closest friend. I knew I felt something for him, and ‘trying out’ our relationship confirmed that. As I said to him yesterday, I think I loved him way before that time weeks ago on my sofa, I just hadn’t realized it. Since then my feelings just became more prominent and it was obvious they had been there for a long time, simply just buried deep down so even I didn’t see them.

“So who proposed to whom?” Louis piped up. I smiled and nodded my head towards Zayn, who soon had everyone’s eyes on him.

“Well it wasn’t really a proper proposal,” he began and Harry cocked an eyebrow. “There was no ‘getting down on one knee’ or anything, just-”

“Just a sappy speech,” I interrupted, smirking at the older boy next to me.

Zayn leaned down and whispered in my ear so no one else could hear. “Because I love you.” I smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

“Well congratulations boys,” Louis said, coming up and giving us a (very manly) hug, with a pat on the back.

“Yeah,” Harry continued as Louis went back to sitting next to him. “We leave you alone for a day and you go and get married!”

We just rolled our eyes, not bothering to remind them we weren’t getting married. But it was good to know we would have their full support if we ever did. Zayn led me to sit on the sofa we had been heading towards before being interrogated about the rings. He pulled me down so I was sitting across his lap, not squishing him, but cuddling comfortably.

Niall grabbed the Play station controllers out of the cupboard and chucked one to me, while keeping one for himself. He turned on the Tv and stared up the console, setting up the game to play a match on Fifa.

The game started and I was against Niall. I was trying desperately to beat him, but Zayn wouldn’t stop nuzzling his nose into the side of my neck, which was proving to be a great distraction.

“Could you stop that?” I said in a stern voice, turning to Zayn, trying to act serious.

“Why, does Liam not like losing to the leprechaun?” He asked in a baby voice whilst he reached forward, poking my cheek before pinching it between his fingers.

“Hey!” I protested, slapping his hand away, and then giving him a hard (but playful) shove, in the chest. Zayn, deciding to be dramatic, fell to the floor with a ‘thump’ while the rest of us just laughed at him.

“Right, Game on Nialler,” I said, determined to win now that my distraction was dealt with.

This caused another round of chuckles from the boys sitting across from me. “Glad to know nothing’s changed,” Harry smiled at me and the raven haired boy lying on the floor.

After we finished the game, which Niall still won, sadly, I checked my watch. It was almost time to head off to the stadium we were performing at. I looked down to Zayn, who seemed to have made himself comfortable on the floor during the game. He was laying on his stomach, looking up to the Tv with his hands resting on my feet and his chin on his hands.

I moved and grabbed his hands, pulling him up to his feet. “Come on, we need to get going soon lads.” I explained.

The others got up and Niall had a giddy smile on his face. I wrapped my arm over his shoulder and pulled him closer. We had always been really close, like Zayn and I, but just in a different way. “You alright?” I asked him.

“Just perfect,” he replied and I moved my arms to embrace him in a hug. The other three boys saw us, and came over and soon, we were having one massive group hug. I wrapped my arms around all of them and somehow, in the mess of bodies, my lips found Zayn’s. I smiled and moved my lips against his, but only softly. It probably looked slightly weird, but for me, it couldn’t get any better; my three best friends and boyfriend.

It was perfect.

Pretty short - but it was kinda supposed to be a bit of an epilouge...

Anyway, this fic has finished now :'( sad face... Hope you all liked it as much as i did :) (is it bad that i like my own fanfic???)

Please remember to check out my new Larry fanfic - the next update should be tomorrow or the day after :)

I just wanna say a 'massive THANK YOU' to everyone who had ever read/voted/commented on this fanfic - without you, i would have given up a few chapters in :D I love all you guys <3

So one last time pleeeaaassseeee





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