The Concert

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Bit of a filler chapter... (not edited...)

Zayn POV

I woke up, my head resting on Liam’s chest. We were still fully naked after last nights… err, antics. There is no doubt in my mind that last night was the best night of my existence, and I’m not ashamed to say that I hope we have many more nights, all as pleasurable as that.

I just hoped that Liam doesn't regret it. We had confirmed our love in the best, most powerful way possible and I hope he was as ready for it as I was.

I ran my hands through his light hair mindlessly and he soon began to stir from his sleep. “Urgg,” Liam groaned as his eyes fluttered open to look at me.

I kissed his temple with a smile. “Morning beautiful,” I said softly.

“Morning,” he replied. God, his morning voice, it's so sexy, it kills me.

I laid my head back down on his chest and slung my arm over his body, rubbing little circles into his side with my thumb.

“I forgot to tell you something last night,” he stated quietly.

I quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, “what?” I asked, slightly confused.

“I love you,” he said smiling as he kissed the top of my head.

I smiled wider than I thought possible. Just hearing those words escape his lips. I don't care how many times he says them; they will always have the same effect. I always feel like the luckiest guy alive just to be with him every day.

“I love you too, so much,” I tilted my head up to whisper in his ear before rolling of him to lie on my side. He manoeuvred his body to face me and his face contorted and he let out a pained hiss.

“You okay?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it just hurts,” I couldn’t help but smirk as I remembered everything from last night. I could almost feel his tight little hole around me. “But it’s completely worth it,” he added, smirking.

I just chuckled and quickly kissed his nose. “Thank you,” I said seriously.

Liam raised an eyebrow at me and I elaborated. “Thanks for making my first time, with a guy, so amazing. That was undoubtedly the most pleasurable night of my life.”

“Trust me, it was just as pleasurable for me,” he stated, winking at me.

“Good, ‘cause I hope there will be plenty more times like that,” I said and winked back at him. “Now, you stay here while I go and get you some painkillers, alright?”

Liam just smiled, “I have the best boyfriend in the world.”


We had arrived at the venue we were performing at a few hours ago. We completed our sound check and were just relaxing in the dressing room, preparing for the concert that was due to start in a bit less than an hour.

Niall was in the corner of the room, taking different snacks from the table of food laid out for us. I was sitting down on the comfy sofa along with Harry and Louis, facing the wide table full of food. Liam was still getting changed into our first outfit for the show.

He was wearing nothing but boxers after previously stripping of the other clothing to put the new t-shirt and trousers. I stood up and began to walk to him, my eyes trained on his soft bum in those tight boxers.

It was funny as he attempted to slide his leg in the trousers, only to loose balance and place his foot back down. I placed my hands on his hips from behind him and pulled him backwards into me. Once he was balanced and comfortable in my hold, he tugged on the clothing, this time successfully.

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