If Only They Knew

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Thanks for your continued support with this story, love all the votes/comments. Hope you like this chapter :D

Once they had entered the studio, all three were immediately pounced on by a very angry looking Louis and Harry. “Where the hell have you been, we’ve been waiting ages for you” Harry spoke, evidently not in the mood for jokes.

Zayn opened his mouth to say something but was cut off, “Sorry, we’re late. I forgot.” Niall said, the lie was believable, so they brought it. Although that didn’t stop the questions.

“How could you forget?”

Niall looked down, “I don’t know, I just slept in. I’m sorry guys” Liam tried to make eye contact with Niall, showing him how much he appreciated what he was doing. Niall was willingly taking the blame just to help him and Zayn.

“How could you ‘just sleep in’?” Louis spoke imitating Niall’s voice “you knew that this-”

“Come on guys, we’re here now, let’s just get on with rehearsals and catch up on the time we missed” Zayn butted in before either boy could say anything else to Niall. It wasn’t his fault. If only they knew that.

All five boys rehearsed for the upcoming tour for a few hours, had lunch, then rehearsed again for a while. All the while Zayn and Liam were stealing secret glances at each other; the other boys didn’t seem to notice the love in their eyes. Niall caught them in a few of their exchanges and grinned devilishly at them, knowing exactly what was going on. He felt like a little boy who had just been told a secret but the pressure of not telling anyone was pushing on him, which was actually pretty close to the truth.

After the rehearsals had ended Harry invited them round to the apartment him and Louis shared, for the evening. Although they saw each other often whilst working, that didn’t stop them from meeting up at each others apartments, they were really close and so lucky to have been put together. There was no one else who could have been better in the band.

Once at the shared apartment, the boys made themselves at home in the large games room, Louis going via the kitchen to grab a large bowl of popcorn to share. They started up the games console and grabbed a remote each. Mario Kart was the chosen game and everyone knew that Louis was the best at that.

They began to play, and Louis was whipping everyone’s ass, seriously how was he that good? During the fifth race Zayn got a head start somehow and was miles in front of the rest of them. Louis, being as good at this game as he was, had managed to overtake Zayn by the third lap. But he wasn’t that easily beaten. Just when Louis was inches away from the finish line, Zayn’s kart knocked into his, sending him off course, into a tree. Zayn crossed the line with ease at first place and stood up cheering at his victory.

“Zayn! That was going to be my fifth win in a row” Louis whined. Really? He was too good at this game for his own good

“Haha, I beat your fat ass, Tommo” Zayn retaliated, earning himself a push in the chest from Louis. The pair broke into a playful wrestling match trying to push each other over. Harry tried to stop them; but that was only before he got dragged into the fight as well. It was all just friendly banter; they wouldn’t really hurt each other. Liam glanced over at Niall. Neither him nor Niall ever really joined in when the others acted like this. But they never stopped them; they were just having some fun. Niall rolled his eyes in response looking back at the three boys.

Liam looked back just in time to see Zayn stumble back towards him. Zayn turned his body moments before he fell onto the beanbag that Liam was currently sitting on, landing on top of him with an ‘oof’. They looked into each others eyes, Zayn straddling Liam’s waist. Why don’t we just tell them? They wouldn’t care, and I don’t want to have to hide this. Zayn thought, his lips inching closer to Liam’s before he felt a pair of hands wrap round his middle pulling him up off the beanbag.

“Watch where you fall next time mate” Louis said, picking Zayn off Liam, even though it had been him who had pushed Zayn down.

“Yeah, sure. Prick” he muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes at the other male, before plopping down onto a spare beanbag.

A few hours passed before Niall announced it was his time to go home. Since he was the only one of the guests with a car, he offered to give a lift to Zayn and Liam, who accepted gratefully. It was a fair walk to either of their apartments and neither fancied that walk in the dark night. They hugged Louis and Harry goodbye and left down the long driveway.

Liam hopped into the back of the big, five seater car, expecting Zayn to follow and cuddle beside him, since they hadn’t been able to the past few hours. But instead, Zayn slipped into the passenger seat, beside Niall who gave him a surprised smile. Zayn turned behind him, to Liam, giving him a cheeky grin in return for a pout; Liam mocking hurt.

“So where do you want me to drive you?” Niall asked as he pulled onto the road “I mean, are you staying together tonight?”

“Um, I don’t mind. You want to stay at mine tonight?” Zayn directed the question at Liam.

“Uh yeah, sure. We haven’t got anything in the morning, have we?” he confirmed.

“Nah don’t worry,” Niall answered. “Why? What were you planning on doing tonight?” He gave Liam a wink and a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

“Oh god” Liam held his head in his hands, obviously blushing. “No, no. I didn’t mean it like that, I-it’s just-” he stuttered

“It’s ok, I was just joking!” Niall reiterated, pulling up at Zayn’s apartment.

“See ya soon Niall” Zayn said, stepping out of the vehicle.

“See ya. Have fun… but not too much” Niall joked with them, causing a pink blush to spread up both boys cheeks.

Liam shook his head in embarrassment “Bye Ni.” He waved to Niall before walking up to the front door. Zayn unlocked it and the couple entered the apartment. They walked to Zayns bedroom. Liam headed into the ensuite bathroom after announcing he was taking a shower.

“Can I borrow a pair of your boxers please?” Zayn heard Liam’s voice from behind the bathroom door.

“Sure” Zayn replied grabbing a pair from his drawer. Liam popped his head round the corner of the door as Zayn handed him the underwear. Zayn removed his t-shirt and jeans leaning down to pick up the discarded clothes from the floor. He felt a pair of warm hands snaked round his waist and he jumped slightly, not expecting to be touched in that intimate way. Liam pulled Zayn closer, his bare chest pressing into Zayn’s naked back.

“You’re so cute,” Zayn stated leaning his head back slightly to rest on Liam’s shoulder.

“You too baby” Liam said quietly into Zayn’s neck. He squeezed him round the middle, feeling the warmth of the other’s bare skin on his own. Liam released him walking round to lie down on Zayn’s bed, his arms behind his head. Zayn laid down next to him, pulling the covers over both of their exposed torsos. He wrapped his arm round Liam’s neck pulling him down to rest his head on his chest.

Zayn left a light kiss on the top of Liam’s head and listened to his breathing become steady as he drifted out of consciousness. Once convinced that Liam was asleep, Zayn closed his eyes and held Liam tight to him, not wanting to ever let go, as he fell into a deep slumber.

Did you like that chapter? please Vote/Fan/Comment if you did! love all of you guys who have supported this story, hope you continue to like it. Sorry if it's not too good, it was a bit rushed as i wanted to post it today because guess what???

I'TS HARRY STYLES BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, my baby is 19 today :D he's grown up so fast *proud*

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