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 Liam POV

He’d stopped breathing? What? No!

This can’t be happening. I think stopped breathing myself when I heard that. I can’t be losing him. I just stood, frozen. I couldn’t have moved if I’d tried. The doctors then proceeded to take Zayn away on a stretcher, into the ambulance and I was left standing there. One doctor remained, and when he saw me, came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s gonna be fine, your friend’s going to be alright.” He said and I just gulped. “Come on, you can come with us in the ambulance to the hospital.” He said and led me in the back of the vehicle. The other doctors were still fumbling around Zayn and muttering things between themselves. I couldn’t even look his way; it hurt too much, just seeing him look like that. So instead I just sat in the corner of the ambulance looking down at my lap. I fiddled with my hands for the entirety of the journey, not knowing what else to do with myself.

We arrived at the hospital soon after. Zayn was wheeled into a room while I was pushed aside, told I wasn’t allowed to enter. I slid down the wall outside the room they had taken Zayn into. I was still somewhat in shock and didn’t know what to do with myself.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them tight, getting some strange looks from people. What, so I wasn’t allowed to sit on the floor and wait for my boyfriend? I got my phone out and threw it around in my hands before unlocking it and dialling Harry’s number.

“Hey Liam,” Harry greeted cheerfully.

“Haz?” I spoke weakly in the phone, trying to hold in the tears.

“Liam? What’s wrong?” He asked, and I could just imagine him furrowing his brow in concern.

“Zayn,” I said my voice starting to shake. “He-he’s…” I started before the tears started to stream down my face and I could no longer form words.

“What happened? Liam? Look, I’m coming over, I’ll-” I could hear movement on the other side of the line but I cut him off with my voice.

“We-” I began, then took a deep breath to control myself. “He’s in the hospital, I don’t know what happened. He was unconscious and they said… They said he stopped breathing.” I whispered the last part, tears still running down my face and I got a sympathetic look from a woman as she walked past me.

“What?” Harry seemed speechless. “I’ll call Niall, we’ll be there soon… you are at the hospital with him right?”

“Yeah, they took me in the ambulance on the way here,” I explained weakly.

“Ok, we’ll be there soon, don’t worry.” I was about to respond but I heard his voice ring through the speaker again, “and Liam? Zayn will be fine; you don’t need to worry about him, alright? We’ll be there for you in a few minutes.” I heard Harry’s voice one last time before he hung up.

I put my phone away and head in my hands.

All that I could do now was wait.

Harry POV

After I got off the phone with Liam I was actually quite scared, although it would be best for Liam not to know that. I had no idea what had happened to Zayn but I knew both him and Liam needed us there with him at the hospital at the moment. Walking into the living room, I spotted Lou on the couch and grabbed him roughly from his resting position. I dragged him into the hallway, ignoring his shouts of protest, and put my shoes and coat on. He followed suit but with a confused look on his face.

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