The Parents

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Zayn POV

After Liam and I woke up and took a shower (not together unfortunately) we had breakfast. That morning was pretty uneventful and we just spent our time together, basking in each others presence. I couldn’t stop thinking about the previous night; it was amazing. Words couldn’t describe how great that felt. It was my first time doing that with another guy, but I felt so comfortable with Liam that I wasn’t nervous or scared… I just hope Liam enjoyed it as much as I did.

We were lounging on the sofa when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from my mum. We were really close and she often texted me just to see how me and the lads were getting on. She didn’t like the fact that I lived so far away from her, but she still had my sisters to keep her company and I was always only a phone call away.

I realized I needed to tell her about my boyfriend (ok I could’ve just said Liam but it feels so much better to refer to him as my ‘boyfriend’). I had already told her about my feelings for him when I first became aware of them. I could always tell her anything and she had supported me through it and gave me advice. I was about to text her back when I thought a phone call would be better, that way I could hear her reaction and tell her all about it.

I looked down at Liam who was lying on the sofa with his head on some cushions and his body across my legs. “Have you told your parents about us yet?” I asked him. His face contorted slightly and he shook his head softly.

“No, I haven’t really thought about it much; been too caught up with you” Liam said with a cheeky smile that I couldn’t help but lean down and lightly kiss away.

“Well, my mum has just texted, so I’m gonna ring her and tell her, ok?” I explained.

“Of course babe,” he replied, still smiling. His body was still over my legs, restricting movement. So I lightly pushed it off, chuckling when he slid off the sofa, onto the floor with a small bump, his head somehow still resting on the cushions.

I walked over to the other side of the room just so I felt free to move around. I don’t know why but whenever I’m talking on the phone I always like to wander round the room. I just feel more comfortable and relaxed doing that.

I rang my mum and she picked up after the 3rd ring. “Hello Zayn. How are you? Sorry, I can’t chat for too long, I’m going shopping with a friend at 1.” I heard her voice through the receiver.

“Hi mum. It’s ok I just had something to tell you.” I explained.

“Ok, well what is it?” She asked expectantly.

“So, you know I told you about Liam.”

“Yes…” she understood what I was talking about.

“Well, I told him how I felt and now we’re dating!” I exclaimed happily.

“What! Really? Oh darling I’m so happy for you.” She shouted down the phone, sounding like an excited and proud mother.

“Thanks mum,” I smiled down the phone.

“Is he there now?” she asked referring to Liam.

“Yeah, he’s here.” I stopped walking and gestured to Liam to come over.

“Put me on speaker then, I want to hear both of you.” I obeyed, putting her on speaker as Liam walked over to me, putting an arm around my waist

“Hello Tricia” Liam spoke. My mum was friends with the boys so they were all on a first name basis with her.

“Hi Liam, are you taking good care of my Zaynie?” Her sweet voice came from the receiver.

“Of course, I always have.” He explained, smirking at me.

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