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  The wind rustled outside the small bathroom window, wind chimes dancing around without a care in the world from the nearby schoolyard. The air was thick, the silence thicker.

Jimin stood before the bathroom stall, gazing heavily down at the object that lay two feet from the tips of his shoes. The stainless steel had seen bad days, but this one far worse. Dark red tinged along the edge of the blade before dripping onto the tile floor.


Not another word was said before the pale boy sitting on the toilet let out a sob, falling lifelessly to the ground.

"N-No! N-No, no! Yoongi, no!" 

Reality hit, time resumed, and everything came crashing down.

Jimin hurriedly fell to his knees before the boy, shaking him repeatedly. "Y-Yoongi! P-Please!" Turning his gaze down towards the olders upturned wrists, he could see the damage that had been done. Jimin believe he was living in a horror movie with the amount of blood that stained the boy's snowkissed skin.

The younger knew he had to act quick, every single moment passing by was like a countdown and he didn't want to find out what would happen at the end.

Running out of the stall, barely managing to escape from slipping, Jimin clung onto the bathroom countertop before pressing the paper towel dispenser in attempt to gather as many as he could. Tears clouded his worried eyes as he wet the paper towels before dashing back over to Yoongi.

Softly and gently he pressed the tissue against the boy's arm in attempt to clean away as much of the blood as he could.

"Oh, Yoongi! I-It's going to be okay. It's going to be alright, okay? I'm here, hyung! Jiminie's here!" He cried, he sobbed.

The once light brown paper towels were now drenched in liquid. The younger pulled out his phone before dialing the emergency services.

"H-Hi! T-This is Jimin from the high-school on green street! Please come quick my boyf-my friend is seriously injured!" He sobbed into the phone as he propped Yoongi's head up, not wanting his neck to hurt anymore than it probably already does. The dispatcher disregarded Jimin's statements, instead asking a bunch of questions that Jimin deemed unnecessary. "I SAID COME QUICK! H-He's going to die!" He screamed into the phone before tossing it aside.

Why would Yoongi do this? Jimin thought that everything would be alright now...now that Yoongi was safe with him. Maybe it was his fault. Maybe he pushed Yoongi too far? Jimin cried as he took the papertowels and kept pressure on his friend's wounds as he caressed the boy's soft hair.

Before he knew it, sirens wailed in the distance as the ambulance approached. Without hesitation, the restroom door swung open followed by first responders and a stretcher.

Jimin was pulled off of Yoongi as he cried harder. "Wait, no!" Just like that, they had loaded the lifeless boy onto the stretcher and was rushing him out of the stall.

Tears streamed down his face, the saltiness from his tears pricking his tongue. Jimin screamed at them to wait. He had so many questions.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, wait! Wait!"

"Yoongi! I love you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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