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"This Yoongi fellow sounds like a sweetheart."

Jimin laughed at his mother, giving her a cheeky smile. Jimin had told his mother about Yoongi. He didn't go into detail because he thought it wasn't really his place to go around telling people about his business.

"He is, but I don't exactly know him too well yet. I'd like to hang out with him sometime." Jimin responded while clutching his backpack from the floorboard, getting ready to hop out for school.

"You know, I had quite a few boyfriends back in high school."

"Mother!" Jimin squeaked up at his mother's tone. "We are not going to date!" He said in defence.

His mother chuckled sweetly before unlocking the car doors once they had pulled up to the front entrance of school. "We'll see. Have a good day, honey!"

With a huff, eye roll, and a small smile Jimin kissed his mother on the cheek goodbye and made his way out and up to the school.

The first school bell rang just as he began walking through the halls. Because it was a fresh, crisp Monday morning, he could tell that a ton of kids weren't showing up.  He just hoped that a certain boy would.

Before he would even start searching, his new friends approached him.

"Hey, Jimin. Would you like to come to the cafeteria for breakfast with Jungkook and I? Jinnie hyung and Joonie  hyung will be there." The voice belonging to the one and only Taehyung asked.

Jimin thought for a moment before declining. "I think I'm just going to head to class. Thank you though." He smiled kindly before turning to walk away.

Just as he turned the hallway to his first period class, he spotted a boy staggering up along the hallway walls to the room as well.

"Yoongi!" Jimin called out.

Yoongi lifted his head and peered out from under his hood to spot Jimin waving at him down the hall. He couldn't hold back as a small smile played dare on his lips.

"Oh, I'm so glad you showed up." Jimin smiled and hugged the other.

The elder hesitantly hugged his...his friend back. It was a different feeling for him and he suddenly felt warm. He didn't want to let go, but knew that he must. He didn't say anything as Jimin gestured inside the mostly empty classroom.

The two walked back to their desks and settled their bags on top. Jimin let out a small, almost not audible sigh as he was relieved to have gotten the extra weight off his shoulder. Yoongi should have been the one to sigh, but little did he know that Jimin had a surprise waiting in his bag.

Before they knew it the bell rang again and students began to pile in.

"H-Hey...meet me in the halls before lunch, okay?" Jimin whispered to Yoongi over the sound of chairs screeching against the flooring as class began. The elder nodded and looked down as he put away his notebook.


Jimin tapped his foot on the floor as he waiting by Yoongi's locker. It wasn't out of annoyance, but anticipation. He couldn't wait to spend some more time with Yoongi.

He felt giddy inside as he see the boy walking out of a classroom and down towards him.

Why did he feel this way? It sure doesn't feel like he's just trying to help, there's stronger feelings and it confuses the hell out of Jimin.

He pushes past his thoughts as Yoongi approached.

"Where do you usually eat lunch?" He was so excited he didn't catch what he had said until the other's face twisted in embarrassment.

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