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Jimin's eyes started in every direction as he walked through the school hallway to his first class. He was indeed searching for the skinny boy from a few days ago.

He looked at every corner and down the other halls, but the boy was no where to be seen. Finally, letting out a great sign, he decided it was best to just get to class. After all if he kept searching he would for sure end up being late in his first week.

He entered Mrs. Jisu's class room and immediately his eyes landed on the empty seat in the back next to his.

"Good morning, Jimin. What's wrong? You look disappointed." The teacher spoke softly while she stapled some lessons for the day.

It took Jimin in shock, he tensed up hut once he recognised it was just the teacher he calmed down. "N-Nothing, Mrs. Jisu." He stammered before making his way passed the rows of desks to his.

The school bell rang, signaling it was time for first period. Just like someone turning on a light switch or a water tap, students came flowing into the classroom.

In a race to find the black haired boy, Jimin spotted Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Hoseok entering and waved to them. Sadly, Jungkook wasn't in their class only because he was slightly younger.

'Maybe he just isn't coming today.' Jimin thought with a pout.

As the teacher spoke about how they'd be studying the English language for the next week and a half, there sounded a soft knock upon the door.

"Ah, Yoongi! Better late than ever." She joked as the boy entered the classroom.

'It's him! Maybe I can catch him later so we can talk.'

The boy trudged to the back of the classroom with his head down and the hood of his hoodie pull over his head. He accidentally nudged Jimin's desk, causing the pencil on top to roll off.

"Stupid, Yoongi. Can't do anything right." His mumbled words came out almost not audible. Luckily no one around heard.

"Sorry." He said only loud enough for Jimin to hear and bent down to retrieve the fallen object.

When Yoongi was handing Jimin back the pencil, their finger tips grazed causing a wave of shivers to erupt from both of them. Jimin lifted his head to get a better look at the other, but the boy just held his head further down and took his seat.

During the lesson, Jimin tried to focus but he just couldn't. His eyes were drawn to Yoongi's slim figure. The boy seemed to be wear close to the same style everyday. The cloth of his clothes hung off like rags and it pained Jimin to see this. He wanted this boy to be happy with his body. Jimin knows that Yoongi probably puts himself down a lot, but the younger doesn't know why. Yoongi has extremely attractive looks according to him, but he's just so damn skinny. What could be going on inside the other's head?

The teacher continued to speak about the different pronunciations of English. Jimin glanced around the class to see most of the students either drawing or paying attention.

He takes out a sheet of paper and grips his pencil tight. He scribbles onto the paper and tears only the written part off.

Jimin carefully slide it across and over to Yoongi. Once the elder saw the piece of paper, he looked at Jimin briefly before putting his head back down and reading the paper.


It's Jimin. You know...the silver haired kid beside you.

Any who, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at lunch with me?

You seem like a good person and I'd like to get to know you.

You can write on the back your answer

Till the next note!'

It took Yoongi a full two minutes of arguing with himself before writing an answer on the back and slipping it over to Jimin. His hands shook in nervousness, his anxiety sparking a light inside him.

Jimin peered down at the paper.

A simple 'sure' was writing in cursive.

Jimin began to smile like an idiot, stuffing the paper into his pocket. The next bell rang and everyone started to pile out. He remembered how Yoongi would wait until everyone was gone, as much as he wanted to wait, Jimin didn't want to seem like a creep or a burden. He knew the time would come when the two would reunite at lunch and he could not wait. He stuffed his things into his bag and cheerfully went to the next class. Maybe he would get the chance to help the boy.



Yoongi, on the other hand, was getting nervous. His anxiety had sparked and he knew it'd be trouble to get himself to calm down.

'God damn, why are my hands always so fucking cold?' He wondered as his hands shook while grabbing his bag.

Because you're a worthless skeleton about to die.

"Shut up." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled while walking to the next class.

Stop thinking about him.

He doesn't like you at all.

He's going to use you.

Or better, he's going to gain your trust and stab you in the back like they all should, you fat ass ugly pig.

"Shut the fuck up!" Yoongi hit his forehead against the palm of his hand repeatedly. His hands were getting clammy, his breathing picking up.

The voice in his head laughed and mocked him.

Looks like someone's having another anxiety attack.

He's not the monster, you are.

He couldn't stop it. All of a sudden, Yoongi collapsed to his knees. His bag fell beside him as he clutched his head in his hands. This can't be happening, not at school. It's worse as he's in the middle of the hallway, but luckily everyone else is in class...or so he thought.

The lonely sound of the boy's bathroom door squeaked throughout the hall. Before Yoongi could react, footsteps made their presence known.



This probably wasn't that good lol oh well

I hope you enjoyed

Btw when I put for ex :


It's supposed to mean that the text is around them for the most part. Sorry if it's confusing

I also just found out there's another books, probably more with the same name as mine but I don't care, this is mine.

I'm not copying anyone, just to make it clear

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