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Please do not read if you are easily triggered.

The loud sound of Jimin's phone alarm sounded through his room. It could be heard all the way down stairs and into the living room where he was currently sitting with his math homework at hand.

"Jimin, honey. Your alarm is going off." His mother reminded after a brief minute of the noise disturbing the silence that once accompanied them.

"I know." The boy mumbled, his gaze and attention still focused on solving one last problem in his math book.

The older lady stood up with a huff. Jimin didn't bother looking, knowing she probably waddled off somewhere in the house. What he didn't expect was to be handed his silenced phone and shoved out the front door.

"You will not skip your evening walks, dear. You need to take a break from homework. Now go." His mother abruptly slammed the screen door in his face.

Jimin sighed before clutching his jacket close and setting off down the sidewalk.

The sun was just getting ready to set while a nice, gentle, crisp breeze swayed in, causing the tree leaves to rustle together. It nipped a bit at Jimin's nose, but he didn't quite mind. He always liked the cold.

After waving a friendly hello to the elderly woman that lived at the end of his block, he contempted on which direction he should walk.

He always went right, just because his mother drove down that way. Jimin didn't want to end up lost so he always went the way he knew. But today he was feeling extra adventurous.

Jimin strode across the street to get to the next sidewalk. Frankly, he couldn't wait to explore the next block over. It seemed like unexplored territory in minecraft.

Wind chimes echoed from a house on the corner of one particular street, causing the boy to peer down it in curiosity. Once he deemed the street good and quiet enough for walking, he set way.

This street seemed a lot like his own. Houses lined up in rows, and of course there had to be an elderly lady out front of one home just having a blast rocking back and forth in her wooden chair.

Jimin craned his head up towards the sky. The sun was setting. The beautiful scene stopped Jimin in his tracks. The once blue sky was now wisping with colors of hot pink mixed with streaks of orange.

Before he could even think about taking a picture to show his mother, a loud bang was heard, followed by yelling coming from a house just ahead of him.

All Jimin could see was a tall, heavy man standing in the doorway as well as a smaller person. It was like a cat and mouse.

Jimin didn't have any time to think about turning back and leaving these two people to yell about. What he heard and saw next sent him into complete utter shock.

The smaller man cried out something Jimin couldn't make out, but once he did the other man held his fist and sent it flying. A sheer cry echoed throughout the entire block.

The smaller man had no time to comeback before the other was spitting words.

"You think you're worth it? You really think your mother doesn't know? She's too scared to help you because she knows I'll fucking kill her. Now she's in there crying her eyes out and I have to deal with it! No one wants a son that cuts their wrists and is as skinny as a leaf! Fucking pathetic fool!"


"You're crazy! What kind of grown man actually hates themselves to the point they're praying for death. Your brain is fucking screwed, boy. You might as well go hang yourself. You can't keep going and no one is going to save you."


The man kept spitting word after word before-

"You're a fucking psycho, Yoongi!"

The bigger man proceeded to push the other, causing him to lose balance and fall down the steps that led to the door.

Another bang was heard along with a woman's scream. The smaller man ran up to the closed door and began to pound, crying out and pleading to let him back in.

It was all like a scene in a movie. It was like time stood still. Jimin couldn't decide. He stood there, arms by his side with his jaw slack and eyes wide.

It was only when the other boy slid down the door, curling up into a ball, that Jimin snapped back into reality. He ran.

"Yoongi!" He screamed, yelled, cried.


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