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Yoongi couldn't believe it. His father was really going to drag them somewhere else? Somewhere where he could have his fun all alone with no one around to watch?

He wasn't going to go. He had had enough of his father's antics, the only reason he was hesitating was because of his mother.

"Yoongi, my mom said that dinner's getting col-Yoongi?! Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" Jimin had trudged out of the kitchen, oblivious to Yoongi's uneasy state until he saw the boy's glossed over eyes.

Just as he heard the voice of he beloved friend, Yoongi stood and launched himself into the younger's arms. Countless tears began pouring, the saltiness somehow slithering onto his lips, leaving a slight taste in his mouth.

Jimin's reaction was initial surprise, but of course he didn't hesitate the slightest. He carefully wrapped his arms around the crying, suddering boy.

"Shh, it's gonna be alright."

"No! No, it's not! Jimin...my parents are leaving me!" Yoongi cried harder, making the situation sound worse than he originally would have put it out to be.

Jimin sat themselves down. Yoongi clutching the sides of his shirt.

"What do mean 'leaving' you?"

"M-my mother c-called to ask where I was. S-she also told me that my f-father and her are moving to a different town. And-"

Jimin accidentally had harshly cut off Yoongi's trail of sobs. "You're going with them?!" His once soft voice raised slightly.

"N-no...I don't know! She said that since I'm of age I didn't have to go because she thinks I'm doing good in school. The thing is, what if I stay here and my father does something...something bad?"

"My mom will figure it out. She'll call services. Your mom will be safe. I promise you, Yoongi." Jimin soothed the elder by rubbing small circles onto his back.

Neither of the two knew it, but Jimin's mother had been watching the entire time. If they looked, they could easily see her tiny figure peeking out from the doorway of the kitchen. Needless to say, she was proud of her son.

"B-but if I stay here you'll get mad...I wouldn't wanna intrude...you need your alone time."

"Fuck! Yoongi, look at me!" Jimin snapped. He scootched sideways, grabbing the sides if Yoongi's face gently in the palms of his hands.

His eyes grew, almost as if they were a cat's that found a toy to play with. They were wide and full of affection, as well as sadness. He, too, had tears threatening to sprinkle down at a flutter of his long, dark eyelashes.

"Please...why won't you understand? I want you here. I want you here so so much. Call it weird, but I don't want you to leave me, I don't want to leave you. I want to spend everyday with you. Working, playing, or just chilling...it doesn't matter." Jimin paused, leaning his forehead down on Yoongi's still, stiff shoulder. It felt as if he was confessing, but not actually doing so. "I've never met someone like you. I've never met someone who I genuinely care about as much as I care about you, Yoongi."

Jimin had light, clear tears fogging up his vision, so instead he let his eyes flutter to a close. Those droplets of tears fell, sliding along his rounded cheeks down to Yoongi's lap.

"Please stay here with me." He whispered.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

Post Jimin's 'speech', his mom figured she'd leave the two to their privacy as the conversation had taken a drastic turn.

Even though Jimin was sure Yoongi couldn't possibly feel it, possibly feel remotely the same...it was as if a world of emotions had crashed down upon him, making him realize just how much he want to dedicate himself to the elder boy. It made him realize just how much he cares, just how much he wants.

Yoongi was silent. His crying had subsided. The train of thought running along the railroads in his mind was speeding at an all-time high.

After a few minutes have passed, Jimin managed to suck up the waterworks and lift his head.

"C'mon, dinner's getting cold."

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