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"You'll do fine, baby. You'll make tons of nice friends and I heard the teachers are friendly. You've got nothing to worry about." Jimin's mother told him for what felt like the millionth time.

Park Jimin was an average boy, you could say. He was a little shorter than average height, though. He loved hanging out with friends and going on walks in the evening. Jimin's family had always loved him, so you would think he'd be the happiest boy on earth, but all this changed one night when his father began to hit. He can remember the scene so vividly whenever he gave it thought. Ever since then, his brother moved out and his parents divorced. Jimin and his mother moved out of Busan and into the city of Daegu, leaving his friends and school behind. Although Jimin didn't know yet, he would soon have a new life and purpose.

So here they are, Jimin and his mother, in front of the school. He hated switching school, he's had to twice before. Hopefully this time, like all the others, he would find friends.

"Bye, mom." He sighed nervously. He was a shy boy.

He took his first steps out of the car, slinging his bag over his shoulder before walking up the stairs and entering the school. The sound of tires against the pavement made it's self known.

"Am I late?" Jimin wonders out loud. The halls were dead, if you dropped a pen it would echo.

A small finger layed on Jimin's shoulder was enough to scare him, making him turn around in fright. A tall, slim boy smiled down at him which in turned made Jimin loosen up a bit.

"Are you new here?" The brown haired boy said while gripped his hall pass.

Jimin scratches his freshly dyed silver hair and look down. "Y-Yeah." He dropped his bag and quickly searched in a haste, papers flying all over the ground. He stood back up after stuffing them back in his bag.

The boy gave Jimin a big smile while taking a look at one specific paper Jimin had gotten. "I'm in that class, too! I'll show you, c'mon!"

Jimin hesitantly followed the taller down the halls, their shoes squeaking against the flooring. They stopped at door #26 labeled as 'Language.' Jimin made a mental note of the room before entering.

As soon as he shut the door, all eyes were on him except for one boy in the back. He never liked this part as he was so shy.

"Well, hello there! You must be Jimin!" The teacher spoke. "I'm Mrs. Jisu." The middle aged woman held out her hand for him to shake.

Jimin returned the gesture with a shakey hand before gripping his bag. The teacher smiled and turned back towards the class.

"Everyone we have a new student today! His name is Park Jimin. I will have each one of you announce your name and some things you like so he will know who is who and maybe you'll have something in common.  I expect you take it upon yourselves to be friendly." The class groaned, making Jimin feel slightly embarrassed.

He scanned the entire class. Everyone looked normal until his gaze stops at the very last seat in the back next to the window. Before he had any thoughts on the boy sitting there, the students started to introduce themselves.

The first person, Jimin remembered was the boy who saved his morning and showed him the way to class. "Hello, I'm Seokjin. I like food and the color pink." The boy smiled but was immediately nudged by the other boy in the desk next to him.

"Namjoon. I like skateboarding and Jin." The class giggled.

"I'm Taehyung, or Tae, or TaeTae, or TaTa, or Alie-OUCH!" 

Taehyung winced in pain, grabbing his left shoulder.

"I'm Hoseok. I like dancing and singing." Jimin liked those things, too! He hoped that he'd get a chance to talk to this 'Hoseok' some other some.

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