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Trigger warning

The two boys were currently playing Mario Kart up in Jimin's room.

After they got to Jimin's house, they started to talk a bit. They exchanged phone numbers and got to know each other a little bit more.

Yoongi is way more interesting than Jimin had originally thought. He learned that the older liked to go on evening walks, drawing, sleeping, and he loved music. To Yoongi's surprise, Jimin is someone who he wants to hang out with. He's quiet when he needs to be and just overall pretty chill. He feels as if Jimin is someone he can just connect with.

Yoongi was thankful that Jimin didn't ask about his weight or body. He knew that the boy already knew and he didn't want to explain himself.

As the two sit on the edge of Jimin's bed, he takes a quick glance at the clock hanging on the wall. He presses the pause button before standing up.

"It's lunch time. Would you like something?" Jimin asked casually.

Yoongi swallowed harshly before looking to the floor in thought. "No, I'm okay." He answered while raising his head to look back up at Jimin who wore a hopeful expression.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be a problem." Jimin began to open his door.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Jimin."

"Please, Yoongi."

Jimin sighed before looking out the door. He shut it softly and went back to his spot on the bed beside the elder.

"If you want, you can eat. I don't want to be the one that stops you...I'll leav-"

"No!" The younger places a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, causing the other to flinch. "S-Sorry...it's just...I haven't had any friends since I've been here..."

"You see me don't you?"

"W-What?" Jimin asked. He backed away a little bit to glance at Yoongi as if he had two heads. "Of course I see you. You're sitting on my bed."

A small smile played on Yoongi's lips before fading away. "That's not what I mean. You see how skinny I am, don't you? You see what I do to myself."


"Jimin, please. I can't eat, okay?" He was interrupted yet again.

"Yes you can! I'll help you, Yoongi."

"Aish!" Yoongi sighed and licked his lips before running his boney fingers through his hair. "Let me put it this way- I would happily take your offer if I wasn't the way I am. I don't think my body can process solid food right now."

Jimin's lips form a small pout. He stared at Yoongi's face before launching at the thin boy. He wrapped his arms gently around him as he embraced Yoongi in a hug.

"Let me help you. I'm begging you. I can help, I want to. I-I can get you some soup-"

Before he knew it, Jimin felt small dots of water soak into the fabric of his shirt over his shoulder. His features softened once he pulled away and saw the tears running down the other's face. This all happened so sudden, weren't they just playing video games?

"H-Hey. Are you alright?" Jimin asked, his voice careful.

Yoongi shook his head and leaned forward to hold it in his hands on his knees. Jimin planted a hand on Yoongi's back. He could feel Yoongi's prominent spine through his shirt.

"What's wrong? Was it what I said?"

"I can't take it anymore." Yoongi whispered.

"What do you mean?"

Yoongi sat up, but he still was slightly slouched over. His lips trembled. What was said next, Jimin never thought he would hear.

"I'm dying, Jimin. Don't you see? I'm tired of living my pathetic life. No one knows what goes on indoors, all anyone thinks is 'wow, look at that boy, he's so skinny, he must be depressed.' The worst thing is...they're right. I can't take the beatings anymore, it hurts too much now-"

"You get beat?!"


Really considering deleting this book oof so horrible.

This book started as an idea I wanted to express, but now it's mainly to express how I'm feeling inside. Shuu I'm such a depressing mess oooooppppsiies

Thanks xD

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