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"Yoongi." Jimin planted a hand on Yoongi's small thigh subconsciously. "Please..." He begged.

Yoongi sniffled and glanced at Jimin. He twiddled his fingers while staring back down at the floor.

"I-I get b-beat..." His eyes swelled up with tears again, some of them trailing down his cheeks when he blinked.

"Oh, Yoongi." The younger whispered sadly. He embraced the other and layer his head on Yoongi's boney shoulder while rubbing circles onto the boy's back. He couldn't help but imagine in his mind, the image of Yoongi backed against a corner while someone beat him to death. Just the thought alone made him begin to cry.

"Hey, Jiminie? D-Don't cry..." Yoongi whispered.

"You don't deserve it, Yoongi! You're the best person in the world!" Jimin sobbed into the olders shirt, wetting it just enough for Yoongi to feel the dampness against his skin.

He laughed dryly. "I'm definitely not the best person."

"But you are."

Jimin wrapped his hands down Yoongi's slim sides and clutched the boy. He's careful not to squeeze too tight.

"You don't even know me." The words came out sad and cold.

This caused Jimin to jump back and stare at the other with eyes wide in shock. "Yes I do! You're Min Yoongi!" After the words left Jimin's mouth, he sighed. "We can get to know each other more. We can hang out everyday and go places. I promise I'm loyal. Yoongi, please."

The room was silent as Jimin stared at Yoongi, waiting for a response. When the boy didn't answer, Jimin had no choice but to take a hold of Yoongi's wrist, accidentally squeezing too tight.

"Ah-aish! S-stop!" Yoongi shouted and tried to pull back but it was no use...he was simply too weak.

"Oh my..."


"Why?" Jimin began to cry.

As Yoongi's arm was out in the open for a change, dozens and dozens of faded scars-along with fresh ones littered the underside on his wrist. He began to tremble as Jimin wouldn't let go.

Yoongi looked at Jimin in pity. Why does this boy care so much?

"I can't help it." Yoongi replied. To his luck, his arm was released. He took it in his opposite hand and rubbed where Jimin had gripped.

The fan on the ceiling clicked as it turned and turned. The air conditioning system has turned off minutes ago, leaving the boys in silence besides the faint fan.

"Listen, I've got to go." Yoongi said softly. He noticed that Jimin's eyes never left his body. He was just...staring.

"Please don't. I don't want you going back there." The younger pleaded.

"If I don't go back now, I'll only get beat worse."

"You can stay here!"

Yoongi smiled at the other's thoughtfulness, but it wasn't a good idea. He had to get home. If he didn't go home, his mother would cry which in turn only made his father even more angry with the boy.

It's true. Yoongi's mother had no idea that his step dad was beating him. She only thought that he was getting bullied. His mother tried to help, saying she'd contact the school, but her husband talked her out of it, saying that Yoongi was a grown boy who could take care of himself. It's an everyday cycle.

"I can't, your mother wouldn't like it. Maybe some other time. Goodbye, Jimin." Yoongi stood to walk out of the room, only to be stopped by a hand.

Jimin inched closer to Yoongi. He laid his hands softly on top Yoongi's cheeks before leaning in and pecking the boy on the cheek.

"Fight, Yoongi." Jimin smiled. "Bye, now!"

Once Jimin left to his room, Yoongi felt up the spot where the boy had kissed.

"If only you knew." He whispered before leaving with a flushed face.

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