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Jimin woke up with a thud. Quite literally.

As he was going to scooch upward, he had bumped his head against his headboard, which cause him to awake with a slight frown, hands in his hair trying to rub the pain away.

The soft pounding where he had bumped his head slowly went away as he looked down. Soft rays from the sunlight shone through the dark curtains set in front of the window. The glow illuminated the room only enough for Jimin to catch glimpse of what seemed to be a slightly older boy holding onto his left arm for dear life.

He hadn't noticed it at first, sleep still fogging up his mind. Now that he was starting to wake up, he now realized how close the two had gotten during the night. He only wished he'd know who made the first move.

With a small, sleepy smile, Jimin snuggled back down under the covers. It looked like Yoongi was in a peaceful sleep, Jimin would like to think it was because he was there.

The rest of the house, besides the creak of the ceiling fan was silent. It seemed as if Jimin's mother had not awaken yet, which made the boy question what time it was. He thought about it and came to the conclusion that he'd rather not wake Yoongi up from such a deep sleep. Who knows how long it's been since said boy has had a good night's rest without any pain.

Before he knew it, Yoongi's nose scrunched up as he also made a small grunt. Those small, feline-like eyes fluttered to an open. The boy's long, dark eyelashes seemed to soften the movement even more.

He let out a soft yawn, stretching his skinny pale arms up and out of the covers before bringing them back down to snuggle even more.

"Good morning."

Jimin smiled at the sleep boy.

"Good morning, Yoongi."

He returned the phrase before sitting up, hesitant to remove his arm from beside Yoongi's body where it had previously been kept captive.

The longer Jimin held a stare, it seemed as if Yoongi had forgotten his troubles and pain. Oh, did Jimin wish it could be true, but that wasn't the case.

After a while of silence, the elder sat up also. He yawned again, his time using his hand to shield the face that was made.

"Want some breakfast?" Jimin tried to ask in the most calm and gentle voice he could muster.

He only got a shake of the head in a return gesture.

"I have an idea." Jimin hopped out of the bed to retrieve his phone and turn off the ceiling fan. "If you eat just a little breakfast, then I'll go with you to get your things. After, we can spend the day doing whatever you want. How does that sound?"

Yoongi shook his head again, a pout present on his pink lips. He flung the covers back and sat at the edge of the bed, feet only barely touching the flooring.

"I'll drink milk or something..." The Raven haired boy thought for a moment. "You don't have to take me to do anything, Jimin. You've already done so much more than I could have asked."

The genuine in Yoongi's voice made the younger want to cry. He grabbed Yoongi's big, cold hand in his much warmer one and helped the boy up before slotting his arms around him, engulfing Yoongi in a warm, gentle, squeeze-free hug.

"Thank you." Yoongi whispered while he set his head upon Jimin's shoulders.

It was like Yoongi was slowly getting more and more comfortable with Jimin, and that was a miracle in itself. It was all Jimin could ask for, knowing he was the one and only person Yoongi could put his full trust in and know he was safe. It made Jimin well aware that Yoongi thought of him as a safe house where no pain could erode him.

"Always, Yoongi. Now let's go! We don't want to waste time."


After Jimin had successful coaxed Yoongi into drinking a whole glass of orange juice (which might have had traces of vitamins that Ms. Park has put into the container) as well as a few bites of french toast, the two got dressed and were on their way to Yoongi's old house.

It was a beautiful day outside. The birds chirpped at every gust of crisp, cool wind. The grass swayed steadily while the clouds up above floated past, making their way towards the city.

Jimin thought Yoongi looked so adorable in his soft blue sweater that was way too big on his tiny body. At first, Yoongi rejected the offer to wear some of Jimin's clothes, but once he pulled that baby blue sweater over his head, he was instantly hit with the scent of Jimin. He now thinks that he will never wear his own clothes again.

The boys talked along the way, a few laughs and giggles from Jimin had reassured Yoongi that living away from his mom maybe won't be so bad. Though, even the thought of leaving the only person who loved him saddened his well-being as he kicked some rocks along the sidewalk.

Noticing the change in Yoongi's attitude, Jimin took hold of the other's hand and squeezed enough to provide reassurance that he was indeed making the right choice in staying.

Of course they talked about it on the walk, about whether or not Yoongi would stay with Jimin or not. He came to the conclusion that if he went along, he'd be in the same boat he was in. Yoongi knew if he stayed with Jimin, his life would blossom into something unknown. Although it was scary to think about it, he made the decision of staying with Jimin.

He knew it would be hard to say his possible final good-bye to his mother, knowing his father was lurking behind it all. If what Jimin had said was true, that Ms. Park would handle things, Yoongi knew he shouldn't worry too much, but he was.

"Is this it?" Jimin stopped walking and pointed to the house he saw Yoongi at the other day.

He could see Yoongi swallow hard and with one hard nod, the two walked up to the door and entered as it had been left unlocked.

The scene was that straight out of a horror movie. A table that would have been set beside the door was knocked to the ground, shards of broken ceramic from a vase that had too fallen littered the wood floor. Furniture leading down the hall to the living room had been out of place, a chair even flipped over.

Oh, did Jimin really want to ignore the scattered blotches of blood along the stairwell.

He didn't even notice Yoongi was crying until he turned toward the boy, wanting to ask if he was sure this was his home.

The male broke down in sobs, falling to his knees as he remembered what events once took place in this hellish house. His body was shivering, breath ragged.

Jimin was about to wrap his full body around the crying boy, until a single silhouette stood at the top of the stairwell.

"Yoongi, dear?"

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