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Jimin screamed. He yelled. He cried.

Time suddenly buzzed around him. The wind wisped by, Jimin's silver hair blowing in the breeze. It was if he was running against the clock. He needed to make it to Yoongi as fast as he could.

"Yoongi! Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin yelled.

The elder boy had slumped against the door, his head in on of his boney hands, the other lay turned upside on his lap. It wasn't until he heard that familiar voice ring through his ears, but this time that familiar voice was filled with tragedy instead of happiness.

The tears pricking the boys eyes made it impossible to see the younger, the image a mere blur. He could barely make out the outline of Jimin's face that seemingly got closer and closer.

Yoongi's eyes cleared once he brought his sleeve up to wipe away the tears. He could see the boy in front of him clearly now.

Jimin's eyes were as wide as quarters when Yoongi looked up at him. The black haired boy's face was a maze of blood. His nose was bleeding as well as his lip and cheeks. He looked absolutely worn and eroded.


Yoongi's voice came out as small as a mouse's. Jimin nodded rapidly and crouched down to his height.

"Yes! Yes, it's me Yoongi. It's Jimin."  He carefully took one of Yoongi's hands and intertwined their fingers. "I saw what happened. Y-Yoongi...please don't tell me this happens often. Don't tell me this happens everyday. It doesn't, right?"

Man, did Yoongi wish he could tell Jimin what he wanted to hear.

"I-It happens...e-everyday. This time was...was really b-bad. Jimin...please help me. I can't live here anymore...I...I can't-"

Yoongi was crying hard. His salty tears mixes with the drops of blood, causing a light red liquid to drip down onto his clothes.

"Shh.  It'll be okay, trust me." Jimin's voice was smooth. To Yoongi, it was as safe sounding as a warm security blanket. He wanted to wrap himself up in it. He wanted to wrap himself in Jimin.

"It's won't be okay. It'll never be okay. I-I'll never be-"

"Come live with me."

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