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The small males voice echoes through the empty hall.

Yoongi lifted his head and that's when Jimin could see it. Yoongi's lip was busted...badly. The elder male had tears running down his face as he looked at the other in shock.

Jimin couldn't have full thoughts before he pounced down to Yoongi, making the boy flinch and cover his face with a hand.

"H-Hey..." Jimin's eyes softened as he crouched beside the hyperventilating boy.

Yoongi's mind was running a mile a second. He didn't know what to think or do. He's so scared of himself right now as his anxiety attack worsened by the second. His breathing picked up as his chest heaved up and down inside his black hoodie.

"Yoongi...it's okay." Jimin tried to sound comforting once he managed to lay a supporting hand on Yoongi's thin, boney back. "What's wrong? You can trust me."

"I can't be here. Please help me, Jimin." Yoongi cried, almost hysterically. Whether he knew it or not, Yoongi was pleading for help.

"Of course, Yoongi. Do you want me to walk you home?" Jimin asked kindly.

Yoongi answered back quicker and louder than expected. "N-No!" He exclaimed. "No...c-can I go to your...your...fuck, forget it. I'm so sorry." Yoongi's chest began heaving more by the second. He was worried. He was scared.

"Shh, calm down. Breathe. Don't be sorry, Yoongi." Jimin unconsciously took a hold of the other's cold, fragile hand into his warm one in a comforting way, but it still managed to make small pink tints hint their cheeks. "You can come over to my place if you don't want to go home."

Yoongi looked up at Jimin in shock. His hood had long fallen over, Jimin could clearly see the raven's face beside the small bangs covering his forehead. Dried blood crusted around his bottom lip while a small tint of a purple bruise placed itself in the corner of his left eye. What could he have possibly went through? Did he get into a fight? Did some bully's kick him, hurt him?

"A-Are you sure?" Yoongi mentally slapped himself for sounding so weak, but that's all he ever is...weak.

Jimin nodded as he stood. "I'm quite sure, hyung." He held a hand out to the boy still kneeling on the cold, hard floor.

Yoongi shook off Jimin's hand, instead using both of his own hands to stand to his wobbly legs.

Together they walked down the hall and out of the double glass doors. They didn't even think twice the idea of ditching. Because even if it meant just taking Yoongi out to the park, Jimin would sacrifice his grades.

He didn't know why he thought so much of Yoongi. He didn't know why he was so attracted to the boy, he just was. It's something that happened as soon as they met. Even though Yoongi doesn't know it, Jimin can sense that they'll be seeing a lot of each other for the time to come.

The walk to Jimin's house was quiet...too quiet.

The younger took multiple glances at the dark boy beside him to see his Hood was up yet again and his hands were stuffed in his pockets.

"Oh, hey!" Jimin stopped in his tracks. "There's an ice cream shop over there. Would you like to get some with me?" He asked with a smile upon his cheeky face.

Yoongi glanced at the sign and then back to Jimin. "Okay."

Jimin smiled. He went to grab Yoongi's hand but stopped himself. This wasn't the time. Instead, he let out a sweet 'come on, hyung!' before running down the path.

"You can go take a seat, hyung. I'll order." Yoongi nodded before making his way to the back booth.

After ordering and paying for the two, Jimin made his way to the Booth with a tray in hand.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just got cookie dough." He places the cup of ice cream in front of Yoongi along with a spoon. "I also got you some soda."

Yoongi stared down at the ice cream in surprise. "No one's ever bought me food before." The thought slipped out. Of course his mother made dinner, but Yoongi would never eat it so his mother wouldn't make so much nowadays. Even when Yoongi had a friend or two, they'd never buy him anything to eat. They'd just think 'if this guy is going to starve himself, I won't waste my money trying to feed him'. It hurt.

So seeing as this boy who he didn't know well yet bought him something without thinking twice, he was astonished and grateful.

"Thank you, Jimin." Yoongi whispered.

He really wanted to eat the ice cream, but if Jimin saw him stuffing his face, would he think that Yoongi is a fat ass that eats too much?

"Hyung, why aren't you eating?" Jimin asked softly.


"I'll go to the next Booth if you'd rather me not watch you."

'So considerate.' Yoongi thought.

"It's okay. I-I think I trust you...you don't think I'm..."

"No. Never." Jimin interrupted, causing Yoongi's eyes to widen.

For once, he gave someone a small smile as he began eating. After the first bite, he immediately melted. He had forgotten how good food tastes. The only thing really keeping him going was a smoothie or protein shake he'd been forced to drink.


After the two finished their snack, they continued onto Jimin's house.

"Luckily my mom isn't here so we don't have to worry about her snickering." Jimin laughed as he opened the front door with a key that was previously under the door mat.

Yoongi looked around inside the house. It wasn't anything special, but it felt homey. The walls were a light yellow, the flooring a brown wood. All the furniture seemed to match the homey vibe.

"Do you want anything to drink? Eat?" Jimin whispered the last part in hope.

Yoongi shook his head in protest. "No. You've done too much already, thank you."

Jimin nodded in understanding. "Come on! My rooms just up here." He gestured for Yoongi to follow him up the stairs which the younger climbed without a problem. Whereas, Yoongi's legs were shaking as his hand gripped the railing.

"S-Sorry..." Jimin mumbled shyly.

"It's okay, Jimin."

"So this is my room!" The silver haired kicked open his door. His room was painted a light blue. His bed had gray sheets to match the walls and there was a desk planted in the corner with a computer on top.

Yoongi watched as Jimin plopped down on his bed and patted the seat next to him. "Make yourself at home."

After having a battle with himself, Yoongi finally decided to take off his hoodie. Under revealed a loose fitting gray shirt that left his prominent collar bones out in the open.

Jimin tried not to stare- it'd be rude.

Surprisingly, the atmosphere didn't feel awkward at all. It felt as if Jimin's friend of a long time had came.

As much as he wish he could surpass the urge, Jimin had to ask the question that's been pondering in his head since they left school. "Yoongi?"


"Why didn't you want to go home?"

Yoongi sighed and looked to the floor. "It's personal."

"O-Okay." Jimin sighed before grabbing Yoongi's hand yet again. "Yoongi hyung?"

Yoongi turned towards Jimin, his eyes showing from under his bangs.

"I just want you to know that...even if we did just meet, I'm here for you. I already care about you and...and I want to help you. So please think of me as a friend, okay?"

Yoongi was taken back. Was this boy serious? How could someone want to help some boy like himself?


"I-I don't know. We'll find out soon."

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