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It's a chilly Sunday evening when the two decided it'd be a good idea to take a walk in the nearby neighborhood park.

Yoongi was bundled up in one of Jimin's jackets that he happily lended him as well as a long-sleeved shirt due to the chillied air against his skin. To add to the bundle, he also had a scarf that once belonged to his mom wrapped loosely around his collar bones.

Jimin thought it was flat out adorable how Yoongi had asked to go on a walk with him. It was a spur of the moment question when the two were lounging in the living room, Yoongi's voice was so soft and shy about it. Jimin could only assume that the other just wanted to get out and maybe try to clear his mind, maybe he wanted to spend more time together.

Though it's only been a week since the 'incident', Jimin can proudly say that they both are becoming closer and closer by the day. It seems as if Yoongi depended on Jimin a little more, and the younger was happy to be there for him.

Just the other night they sat side by side on the floor of Jimin's bed room, sharing secrets and stories about each other's lives. It may be normal in the everyday person's eyes, but to Jimin...it was all he wished for. It was all he could ask for, was for Yoongi to finally be open about his life and struggled. Yoongi seemed to trust Jimin so much that he shared all his mental struggles and most of what his thoughts were.

As for Yoongi, it was as if Jimin was his saviour. Whenever he'd have an episode, the younger was there to comfort him and to correct his thoughts. Though the thoughts eventually come back, Yoongi was more than grateful for the effort Jimin has put in. He just hopes they were on the right track.

"Would you like some hot cocoa, hyung?" Jimin had pulled the raven haired out of thought like he always does.

Yoongi turned, eyes wide and vulnerable due to intense thinking and lack of reality, half of his face covered by the scarf. One simple nod was all he answered before Jimin set off to the small food truck in the distance, leaving Yoongi to sit at a bench.

Of course Yoongi still had doubts, they always come back eventually. He often wonders if the other boy was just using him, but for what? Yoongi isn't sexy. He isn't fun, or humorous. He isn't good looking or smart. For God's sake, Yoongi isn't even healthy looking! He's just a sad boy, needing some love. Was that what Jimin was doing? Trying to love him?

"Sorry it took me a while, they made it fresh so be careful! It might be too hot." That was another thing Yoongi adored about Jimin; his attentiveness.

Even if he didn't really want to drink the liquid, the elder wanted to make Jimin happy and to see the smile he so craves. So he sipped, nodding as if to say 'good.'

Jimin swung his legs back and forth on the bench, happily sipping at his own hot drink and watching the kids at the playground hop around and being as carefree as possible.

"Mommy, that boy is so pale! He looks like my icecream!"

A small boy, probably around the age of 5 held his mother's hand tight down the path.

Jimin tried not to tense, only glancing Yoongi's way to see him pouting softly, eyes trained to the rocks on the path beneath.

"He's probably got some sort of disease, honey. Let's keep our distance." The mother said, practically spitting the words in their direction.

That was all it took for Yoongi to stand up staggering only for a second before gaining ground.

"Can we go back, now?" The request wasn't paved with annoyance or anything of the sort. It sounded innocent and fresh, but Jimin knew it wasn't.

"It's not true, you know that right? You're perfect, Yoongi." Jimin whispered on their way back to the house. The words carried in the air, he didn't know if said boy had even heard what was said...until he felt cold fingers intertwine with his own.

When they got back, Yoongi hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving Jimin to finish last week's homework by himself.

Instead of equations, thoughts of a certain boy filled his mind just like it always does and has been ever since Yoongi has entered his life. Not an hour goes by without Jimin thinking about what was the next step with them.

Sure, Mrs. Park and him have made progress in getting Yoongi to eat small amounts of food, but it wasn't merely enough for anything to change.

Besides that, what were those other thoughts about?


Jimin hated Mondays.

Mondays meant not getting to spend good, quality time with Yoongi all day which is what he craves lately. The want to make Yoongi happy was unbearable, just the thought of making the boy smile was tremendous.

The halls were thinning out, people hurrying to get to their classes before the bell rang. jimin hummed along, finger pointed out to graze each locker that lined the wall as he strolled past. He wish Yoongi and him had the same classes today, but they only had one together on Mondays.

Just as the numbers to room #184 showed in the distance, the heavy doors of a connecting hallway burst open.

"Hey, Jimin!"

The voice echoed, booming against the hallway walls of the school. The squeak of tennis shoes against the floor made the scare even worse. The action made the wanted boy turn in an instant, glad he was met with a familiar face.

"Oh, Taehyung. You almost gave me a heart attack! What's up? Did Jungkook choke you too hard again?" Jimin giggled and slapped his friend's shoulder playfully, but by the way Taehyung's face drenched of concern, Jimin knew something had to be wrong. "Is everything okay?"

The other shook his head hard, gripping at Jimin's wrist.

"Jimin, it's Yoongi."

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