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"Yoongi!" Jimin gasped, his eyes widening and hand flew up to cover his mouth as he stared at the older.

Yoongi's eyes furrowed while he took a step back. "What?"

"Your cheek! It...you have a bruise on your cheek." Jimin said as he inches closer, trying to turn Yoongi to the side so he could see his right cheek.

Yoongi acted upon reflex, he gripped Jimin's wrist and flung it away from him while stepping back more. "S-stop!" He yelled, his voice seeming angry but he didn't mean anything bad.

Jimin didn't care about his tone. He only genuinely cared about the boy before him. He reached out his hand slowly, up to Yoongi's face. "Please, hyung. Please let me look at it." He softly spoke, his words ringing through Yoongi's ears.

The soft breeze around them died down, the rustling leaves coming to a gentle hault. Meanwhile, only the small chirps of song birds called out as they flew from tree to tree in the background.

Yoongi held his guard down, letting Jimin approach him and up the unharmed side of his face. The boy's warm palm of his hand resting on Yoongi's cold pale cheek.

"It happened again." The younger said, less of a question and more of a statement while he analyzed the contrast of dull purple and blue on the side of other's face. His fingertips gently pressing into Yoongi's skin.

If Yoongi wasn't blushing before, he was now as they were in closer proximity than before. He wanted so much as to look up into Jimin's eyes, but instead held his gaze to the shoelaces of the boy's converse.

"Let's go to my place, yeah? We can relax there. Maybe play some games and hang out, okay? Would that make you feel better?"

Yoongi nodded softly, his signature pout taking up his lips. He's actually glad that Jimin decided not to pry into what had happened to him the previous night.

Something about the gentleness and the genuineness in Jimin's voice pulled Yoongi. It made Yoongi want to gravitate towards the other and just...be safe.

He felt a hand slip into his, making the black haired boy look down. Jimin offered a smile once Yoongi looked up and began walking.

Unlike any other person before, Jimin's hold was soft and careful. It was like Yoongi's hand was a dry leaf left under the sun and anything to touch it could make it crumble and break into dust.


"Oh. My mom is home."

"I can come ba-."

"No!" Jimin shouted, instantly regretting it as an old lady from across the street have him a deathly glare and shook her head then went back to watering her tulips. "I'm sure she won't mind that I skipped. She'll also love you!" He said.

Yoongi raised one eyebrow and turned to look at his friend. "Why did you skip anyway? You usually don't."

'I skipped because I got flustered with the boy's when they made me admit that I love you...like you.' Jimin stared straight into Yoongi's eyes as that thought crosses his mind.

Before either can answer, the faint sound of a screen door opening fills the silence.

The two turned to look at the lady who peered her head out the screen door. The woman's eyes widened at the sight of the two boys. But what didn't go unnoticed was that Jimin was still holding Yoongi's hand, and Yoongi may or not be very well holding Jimin's.

"Jimin!?" His mom rose her voice in question.

Jimin looked at Yoongi before gently pulling him up to the house.

Jimin's mom was staring. She was staring right at the person her son was holding hands with. Before the youngest had a chance to explain, she grinned and held out her hand.

"You must be the famous Min Yoongi! Oh, dear...my son has told me a lot about you!" She exclaimed.

"Mom!" Jimin yelled, causing Yoongi to blink and flinch, his hand coming away. The two relatives looked at Yoongi in concern before everything went back to normal.

"Well, come inside!"

Yoongi followed the two inside the house. He's been here before of course and now it feels like his temporary second home.

"I just began to prepare some salad, how about you two join me in the kitchen and I can properly get to know you, Yoongi?" Jimin's mom rambled as he waved them into her precious cooking space.


"First thing is first. Jimin, why the hell did you skip school?" His mother spoke as she cleaned finger tomatoes with a towel and put them into her salad bowl.

Jimin's face went white. He has got to make something up...for right now. Of course he would tell this mother the truth, but seen as how the reason he skipped was involving the boy beside him, he can't really just let it out like that. He figures he doesn't actually need to lie to get away with it, he just has to navigate.

"I just got fed up with my friends and didn't want to see them next period."

"We'll talk later about it. Now, Yoongi. What is your business with my son?"

Jimin jumped up from his chair, hands placed firmly on top the wooden table top. "Mother! He's my friend! Isn't that right, Yoongi hyung?"

All eyes were on the black haired boy in the room who's head was previously tilted down, staring at the lint on his jeans. "O-oh...uhm...he's my...my friend." He stuttered.

Jimin's mother continued to ask Yoongi questions about himself and how Jimin and him spent so much time together and that is was such a pleasure to finally meet his son's best friend that he can never shut up about and maybe has a crush on.

Whether anyone knew it or not, Jimin's mom was a smart lady. As soon as she landed her eyes upon the skinny boy she immediately recognized what was actually going on and she understand her son's enthusiasm about seeing this boy. She didn't want to come out to blunt or seeming like she was watching Yoongi closely, but she also noticed the boy's marks on his face. Something spoke to her, telling her that she needed to be a mother figure to Yoongi. She was ready.

"Salad is ready!" She cheered and began to get bowls from the closet.

"Jimin..." Yoongi placed his knee against Jimin's in worry and looked with concerned eyes.

"Mom, Yoon-."

"I know." She turned out and placed a bowl in front of Jimin and herself. "I know, boys."

"Yoongi, listen to me." She said as she began plating the salad. "I don't need you to tell me, I understand. No one should have to go through that, and I can tell you're a nice boy. Please listen to me when I say that Jimin and myself are here for you, okay? I trust you with my son, and I want you to know that if things get too bad for you at your home, you can come here. Nevermind, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you to come here. Here's my phone number and I'm sure you have Jimin's. I will come and get you whenever you need a break, okay? Consider this your second home. Now, do you want anything at all? Here's some water."

Yoongi's as well as Jimin's eyes were wide in shock. The younger turned to look at Yoongi, even holding out his hand to touch the other's arm.

"Thank you." Yoongi whispered, his voice came out as broken while he struggles to hold back his tears. Water seeps out slowly and swells in his eyes while he holds his face in his hands. No one. Not one person had done this before. No one wanted to help him, they all wanted to see him shrivel up until he died and that would be the end. It astonished him so much. Jimin's mom barely even knew him and she was so kind.

"It's alright, honey. Momma Park is here."  The woman went around to Yoongi's side and gave him a small, gentle hug.

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