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"C'mon, dinner's getting cold."

Dinner went by inch by inch

No one really talked, it wasn't their fault. Jimin's mom figured that the new addition to the household might not be too ready to be family-like.

The good news was that Yoongi actually did take a couple spoonfulls of soup, which consisted of some carrots, noodles, and chicken...maybe some vitamins that Ms. Park may or may not have thrown in Yoongi's portion, but let's not tell him that.

After everyone finished, the lady of the home started the dishes and clean up, telling the boys that they were excused from the room if they'd like.

Yoongi was wearing an expressionless face. The only true emotion that shown was that of sadness and worry...which wasn't very uncommon in the boy.

He strayed off to the side, just wondering. He didn't want to just seem like he was already about of the family, even if they said he was.

"Yoongi hyung." Jimin said softly, voice kind. "Let's go up to my room?"

The younger boy got a nod in return. Off they went, up the stairs and into Jimin's room.

Everything in the space was quiet. Jimin's door was sound proof so the clutter happening in the kitchen was more than distorted.

"You'll stay in here, okay?" Jimin says before turning the ceilings fan on. "Tomorrow I'll go back with you to your house so we can collect your things, okay? Yoongi?"

Yoongi stood there as if the world didn't matter. His shoulders slouched, his head dropped to look at everything but nothing. "Yeah." His voice seemed shallow.

"Let's forget it for a while, yeah? Wanna...I don't know." Jimin sighs before gently wrapping his hand around the small wrist of Yoongi's. He guided the boy to his bed and sat down.

"We can watch a movie? Lay down or sleep? It's okay if you'd rather me not sleep with you, I know you enjoy your space and-"

"Y-you can sleep with...with me." Yoongi twiddles his fingers as he sat, watching Jimin.




The two boys bid Jimin's mom goodnight before wrapping themselves up in the silver's new bed spread he had gotten.

Although the blanket was quite large, Jimin still allowed himself to sit up, while Yoongi...he had everything covered but from his chin up. Honestly, Jimin didn't know whether to just cuddle the boy right then or there.

The room was pitch black besides the TV's LCD glow as the movie 'Tangled' danced across the screen. Neither of them could decide on what movie to play, so they skipped and selected the first random one.

As the movie draws to a close, Jimin quickly turned Netflix off and left the tv on the home screen just for some light.

The boy yawned, arms stretching to the sky before turning back to Yoongi, who was, still underneath the blanket.

"You tired?" Jimin could practically see the sleep drenched on Yoongi's eyelids. He noticed how just as there was a silent moment, the small lids began to droop. As soon as there was even a small noise, they opened right back up again, full as can be.

When he received a nod, Jimin quickly shut the TV off and laid back down. All was silent.

"J-Jimin?" It was small, almost as small as the squeaking of a mouse. Jimin replied with a rumble of his chest and vocal cords.

"Can I come closer? I think I'm on the edge..." It was a cover up, of course. They both knew it, but without hesitation Jimin agreed causing the elder to shift over to him.

The two were closer. Their knees bumped each other. Each other's breaths felt on both ends. It was okay. Yoongi was okay. He'll always be okay as along as Jimin is beside him.

"Goodnight, Yoongi."

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