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"Let's get you home."

Jimin held Yoongi close. As much as he wanted to just hug him tight and close, he couldn't. Yoongi probably doesn't want someone clinging onto him when he just went through something tragic and life affecting.

"J-Jimin! P-put me down, now!" Yoongi weakly tried to detach himself from Jimin's hold. Of course Jimin was much stronger than him, which ultimately lead to Yoongi tiring out, laying his head against Jimin's chest in comfort.

"Just relax, okay? I don't live too far, it'll just be a short walk." The younger's voice was laced with tenderness. "You're going to be alright." He reassured.

He then went silent, letting the elder bask in his affection that Jimin just wished he could show wholeheartedly.

The leaves of some nearby trees began to rustle and wisp about in the oncoming chilled breeze. The eerie silence was disrupted by Yoongi's small groan. The noise had Jimin stopping in his tracks.

He gazed down at the blood and tear stained boy in his hold.

"What's wrong? Am I holding you too tight?"

"No...it's just. I'm cold, that's all. Don't worry."

Yoongi folded his hand together before rubbing them to help warm his cold, fragile body. Jimin could feel the side of his head pushing against his own body.

"Let me give you my jacket."

Jimin gently sat Yoongi down on the curb of the street before shaking off his jacket.

"No, Jimin! Stop, I don't need it. You've done way more than enough already. How about you just leave me on the curb, okay? I'll call someo-"

"Yoongi! Shut up!"

The raised voice had Yoongi zipping his lips shut. He looked up at the other boy with saddened eyes, knowing he was probably being a little annoying at this point.

"Fuck. You need to listen to me, okay?" Jimin began as he bent down and proceeded to wrap Yoongi tight in his jacket. "I care about you, okay? A whole fucking lot. Just because you think I don't and that you're not worth it makes me really angry and sad at the same. Why can't you understand that you're beautiful and worth every second? Maybe it's a little hard to wrap your head around that being for everyone, but at least understand that you're beautiful to me."

He finished helping Yoongi into his jacket. The fabric of it hung off him even though if Yoongi was a healthy size they'd fit the same.

The elder was still silent, but was now staring right back up at Jimin.

Without another word, Jimin cupped Yoongi's cold face in his hands before standing back up and picking him up again.

They turned the corner, now so close to Jimin's house that they could see it down the road. They managed to get passed a few lonely cars before it was quiet yet again.

Though Jimin wouldn't know, Yoongi felt such safety and security while wearing the jacket. He felt so close to Jimin, yet...emotionally so, so far away.

"I-I care about you, too." Yoongi whispered ever so softly, but he knew that Jimin heard it when the younger's grip tightened just a little bit.

Jimin walked as fast as he could with someone in his arms down to his house. Once they approached, he kicked the door repeatedly, yelling for his mother to open up ad quick.

"Jesus Christ, it's like I'm being mobbed by the FBI...oh hello... Yoongi?!"

Jimin's mother gasped before motioning her son inside the house.

"What happened?!"

"Mother, before we talk about anything else...Yoongi needs somewhere safe to stay and I sort of told him he could stay her-"

"Of course he can stay here! Baby, what happened to you?!"

Jimin carefully placed Yoongi down on the couch, not worrying if he'd stain the fabric with blood. He even went the extra mile and placed one of the couch pillows behind his head.

"Yoongi?" Jimin started once Yoongi finally came to.

"Well...I sort of...my father and I got into an argument and as you can see, things ended badly. I was pushed down the stairs and hit a bunch of times...but I think I'll live. All I ask is if you could look at my hand? I'm sure I sprained it."

Yoongi sat up slowly while Jimin and his mother sat beside him. The woman took his hand and began to inspect it. Every time she'd go to move it, Yoongi would flinch.

"It does look like you sprained it. How about you let me bandage it up so it won't hurt as much? "

"Thank you. That'd be great."

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