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"Yoongi, wait up!"

Jimin called for Yoongi but as soon as he did the boy turned around. The two are paralyzed in their tracks when their eyes meet each others. Not even 10 seconds went by before Yoongi bursted into a sprint.

The sound of shoes squeaking and padding against the floor echoes throughout the halls.

"Yoongi!" Jimin called, but it was too late. Yoongi had already pushed through the double doors that lead outside the school.

With a sigh, Jimin looks down in defeat. Why won't this boy just talk to him? Jimin just wanted to hang out. But after seeing Yoongi struggling to even get to the next class, after seeing Yoongi's clothes dangle as the boy walked, after catching a glimpse of the legs that stood under the baggy pants...Jimin wanted to help Yoongi. No, he needed to help Yoongi.

Just as he was about to enter his next class, which was thankfully just down the hall from his previous one, a small lump of black on the floor catches his eye. He bends down to pick the object up. It was then when Jimin felt the cloth between his hands, that he realized it was Yoongi's beanie.

Jimin hands clutch the fabric. He analyzed the beanie until his fingers clink with something metal. It was a small pin with a black cross on the front.

"Jimin!" A slightly familiar voice calls.

"Yeah?" The silver haired turned towards Jin who was peaking out from behind a class door. Shit, that's right. He's still at school.


"I swear I ate a bad peanut from that bag you gave me, Hoseok." Taehyung said while punching on a bag of pistachios.

"Oh, please. If I gave you my nut you'd be thanking me."

Everyone at the table snorted...except for the new kid.

"Hey." Namjoon nudged Jimin's shoulder, causing him to shake.

When he received no answer, Namjoon was forced to call upon the boy. "Hey, Jimin! Look, it's Yoongi! 

"What?!" Jimin looked up in hope. The group saw Jimin's over happiness as a sign.

"Ah, so you do like Yoongi." Namjoon teased.

"You just met him today!" Jungkook added.

Jimin sank down in his seat. His stuffs his hands into the pocket of his sweater. His hands were already warm, and to be honest, he wasn't completely conscious of his actions as he begins to play with Yoongi's lost beanie. "N-no...he's just...interesting."

Jungkook, who is Taehyung's boyfriend, lays his head on Taehyung's shoulder before sighing. "Have you tried talking to him?"

Jimin nods slightly. "I did...but he didn't really want to talk to me." Jimin didn't know, that was a lie.

"He's like that." Namjoon buds after taking a bite of his sandwich. "Ever since last year I tried to befriend him but he's always so shy. It seems as he doesn't want people around him."

The silver haired nods as he understood completely, or at least he though. Images of Yoongi walking and his clothes hanging off his body make a vivid scene in Jimin's head.

"He's so skinny."

"He starves himself." Jin says softly. He looks down in despair.

"I want to help him."


You're so stupid, Yoongi!

Why would you just up and leave like that!?

Of course when a cute new kid that knows absolutely nothing about you shows up and acts friendly, you have to go run away.

What were you thinking, you dumbass?

He'll never like you. 

He lied. He doesn't want anything do to with you.

You're just a pathetic, anorexic psycho.

Yoongi walks through the park with his head down and hood up. After the incident with the new kid at school, he couldn't find his beanie anywhere. He for sure thought he was wearing it.

He can't get the image of Jimin out of his head. How angelic the boy looked when he looked down upon Yoongi. Yoongi can distinctly remember how Jimin's face was sculpted. He had perfectly plump lips along with big, soft brown eyes. The boy's cute little nose completes the puzzle.

Yoongi could tell that Jimin was trying to be friendly and wanted to be his friend, and so did Yoongi but he knows that he will never be good enough for a boy like that.

It was tortuous walking through those halls everyday when there's no size of clothing that fits his skinny body.

People look at Yoongi in pure disgust and distaste. He knew his appearance, and it was ugly. No matter how worried his teachers or mom gets, he will always consider himself as fat. He considered his body so disproportionate.

Yoongi knows that he wants to try to befriend Jimin, but he's not ready to hurt the boy.

As Yoongi rounds the corner to his house, he prays to the lords that his stepfather isn't home. The voices in his head gets louder with ever step.

Almost there, keep walking.

Are you ready to get your fat ass face beaten until your eyes see red?

Keep walking, Yoongi.

You depressed, anorexic boy.

You deserve it.

All of it.

"Shut up!" Yoongi yelled and grabbed the sides of his head in agony.

Just then, the door to his house opened. His stepfather looked angry, more angrier than usual.

"What did you just fucking say?"

That was when he knew, he was in for a long night.


It could have been better but oh well lol

Currently depressed as hell writing this but oh well

Btw, the words in italics are thoughts.

Thank you for reading! I love you all!

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