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Jimin pouted as he dropped his bag onto the lunch table that was occupied with his friends.

"Awe, little Chimin looks so sad." Hoseok teased as he took a bite of pizza and wiped down his section of the table as it was his baby. He received a harsh nudge by Jin, causing him to choke on part of his pizza.

Jimin shot Hoseok a glare as he dug through his backpack in search for his phone. His eyes lit up as he saw he had received a message back.

Hi, hyung
Are you coming in today?

I didn't see you


Got busy.

Jimin buffed and furrowed his eyebrows before diving back into his phone, thumbs moving rapidly as the tip of his pink tongue peeks out from between his lips.


Oh ok

Hey, I was wondering if you weren't busy             
Later on...
If you'd like to come over


Are you

Are you sure?

"Who are you tal- Jimin's texting Yoongi! Jimin has a boyfriend!" Taehyung screams and bounces up and down on the lunch table bench while patting Jimin's arm.

This catch everyone's attention.


"Taehyung!" Jin smacked Taehyung upside the head, causing a low 'ouch' to fall from the younger.

It seemed as if his whole friends crowded around Jimin. Their eyes grew and he couldn't tell what the looks meant at all.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jimin asked hesitantly.

Thankfully, before any one of the other hooligans had a chance to speak, Namjoon stepped in. "We've been trying to crack him into talking and hanging out with us for years, Jimin. We're just happy you found someone."

The silver haired held his hands in defense. "N-No! It...it isn't like that. You all should already know what I want to do, I told you. I'm helping him..."

They all nodded in understanding.

"But you do have feelings for him, don't you?" Jin asked as politely as possible.

It was silence, besides the occasional scream of a kid somewhere in the cafeteria. Jimin looked down at his phone that he somehow brought back into his grip.

He sighed aloud and nodded. "I like him. H-He's just different, you know? I know I've been saying I just want to help him, but he's actually a really kind, nice guy if you get to know him a little bit. I'm just scared."

"There's nothing to be scared of." Jin responded.

It was amazing how Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok all were silent and letting Jin take care of things. It's almost as if they just knew that Jin is the right person to be talking to.

Jimin nodded. "There is."

"What's that?"

He didn't need this. He didn't need to be asked anymore questions. Jimin knew that Jin was just trying to help, but he just can't answer everything right now and he's beyond flustered as he thinks about what could happen.

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