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"Thank you. That'd be great."

Yoongi's voice shakes slightly as Jimin's mother pressed onto his wrist.

The kind, old lady stood up to go retrieve her first aid kit from the bathroom cabinet, leaving the two boys to sit in silence while she was gone.

Jimin shuffled closer to Yoongi, only with slight hesitancy. He placed his head lightly on the boy's boney shoulder that was padded with his very own jacket.  Neither of them spoke. The only sound that radiated through the house was the sound of Jimin's busy mother searching for the kit.

Soon, the woman of the house was back. Without dilly dallying, she wrapped Yoongi's poor sore wrist in compression wrapping to help the pain and to keep it stable. The poor abused boy couldn't help but let out a small hiss at the pain he was feeling. Ms. Park tried very hard not to stare at the scars along the pale limb, her heart out went out.

Yoongi sat back with a huff once the woman was done with a small "thank you."

"Jimin, why don't you clean his other wounds while I finish dinner?" 

Jimin nodded and just about jumped up to take his mother's place. His small fingers played with the piece of  cotton ball as he struggled to get it out of the package. He just wanted one! Not five in a big clump!

"Ah! There we go." He smiled softly and dabbed the cotton ball with some antiseptic liquid. "Hey. Look at me." He said softly.

Yoongi didn't. He didn't want to. He kept his eyes transfixed on the small bruises that started to appear on his hand. It was only when Jimin put one single finger under his chin that he lifted his head up.

"Oh, Yoongi." Jimin began to analyze Yoongi's face up close. All his adrenaline had left his veins, leaving him to take in the boy's full appearance without any blur. He hated seeing Yoongi like this. It truly pained it heart. Why had the world been so cruel to this boy?

Their small staring content soon ended as Jimin held the damp piece of cotton to his face. " This is gonna hurt, but it'll be all good once it's over."

"A-Ah!" Yoongi shakingly yelped once Jimin had began to clean his cuts and scrapes. It was almost like he could feel the devil-like liquid seeping into his skin and burning all the dirtiness away.

"You're doing so good. I would have probably been rolling around on the floor right about now. I told you that you were strong." Jimin smiled as he finished up.

The two had subconsciously gotten closer, their breaths just about mingling together. Both of their eyes held small torches inside of them, yet...it seemed as if they didn't want to believe it.


Both boys snapped back. Jimin hopped up, taking a hold if Yoongi's less damaged hand and guiding him to the kitchen. Of course, he wanted to be close to Yoongi in case he fell or stumbled. Sure, that was it.

"I'm not going to force you Yoongi, but I've made noodle soup. Would you like a bowl?" Mrs. Park asked as she set the table.

"Actually-" Just as Yoongi was getting ready to answer, his phone began blaring from inside his pocket. "O-oh...excuse me."

The senior made his way back out into the living room. With shaky hands, he pressed the green 'answer' button lit up on his phone screen.


No one on the other line said a word, but it sounded as if two people were arguing in the background.

"M-mom? Mother?" Yoongi spoke up. His eyebrows furrowed, his expression if concern and sorrow. He hoped his mom was okay after the fight.

"Oh! Hey, darling. Where are you? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Tell me, please. I'm beyond worried about you." His mother began to ramble.

It broke Yoongi's heart upon hearing how devastated his mother's voice sounded. His mother had never witnessed the fights her husband and son had, much to Yoongi's surprise. He could only imagine what she was thinking when his father took his first, but not last hit. He wondered if she had gotten hurt or hit.

"I'm o-okay, mom..." Yoongi sighed. Deep tears began trickling down his cheeks once again that evening. "I'm not okay, actually. I'm sorry I didn't tell you...he's been doing that for...for a while...and-"

"Shhh, baby. Calm down." As if his mother could see him, the boy sat down and nodded, trying to control his tears as well as breathing. "Is this why you're like...that? Yoongi honey, I'm so sorry I didn't notice. I fell for your fathers tricks, he blinded me from what really was happening. I hope you understand. I hope you forgive me, Yoongi."

"Of-of course! I'll always forgive you." Yoongi's voice cracked.

"Such a sweet boy. Now tell me where you're at."

Yoongi looked around. "Well, I asked my...my friend if I could crash at his place for tonight...or for a little while."

"Good. Thank God for your friend. Please listen to me."
Yoongi nodded again and gripped the edge of the couch between his fingers. "Your father and I are having difficulties as you know. We...he decided that it's best if we move to a small town outside Busan. He said he wanted a new start. I know that your doing good in your school and you're eighteen, so I'm giving you the choice of coming with us or not."

"M-moving? "

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