Chapter 1: Strange First Impressions

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"An Uchiha eh?"


Long ago in Konoha there were rules against two people from two different clans marrying but as always there were people who had to break these rules. A female Uchiha and male Nara.

They kept their relationship a secret for a long time, until the woman got pregnant and had to stay inside her home or hide her stomach whenever she saw someone other than the Nara

A while after their child was born, they left the beautiful little girl in her crib infront of the Hokage's door with a note strapped to it. After they rung the doorbell, they fled the village.

When Minato opened the door to see who it was, the sight he saw before him stunned him for a good 5 seconds before he could even read the note and pick the girl up. He saw she had just awakened her Sharingan.

"An Uchiha eh?" He said as he picked her up and carried her towards the room he and Kushina slept in. "Who was that at the door honey?" She asked him as she sleepily sat up and put on the lamp beside her.

When she saw the little girl Minato was holding in his arms she didn't even know how to respond, noticing this Minato reassured her, "Kushina, its fine, i found her on our doorstep with this note attached to her crib." He said as he sat down and held the note in his left hand so Kushina could read it with him.

The note read:

Dear Minato and Kushina

My deepest and sincerest apologies for having to leave my daughter in your care, it was the only option i had left. I am sure she is safe with you and that you'll be able to help her find a purpose in her life. Her name is Y/n Kintamé


Kushina and Minato were a bit stunned and confused after reading the note. "Kintamé Clan? Never heard of any clan by that name." Kushina said as she picked the baby girl up and set her beside her on the bed.

"I've just been informed by the Anbu that M/n from the Uchiha clan and F/n from the Nara have just fled the village, it could possibly be their daughter, according to how sloppy the handwriting on this note is it was most likely written under alot of pressure and a time limit, but why would those two flee the village?" Minato said as he locked the front door and came back to bed sitting next to you and Kushina. "Beats me, all i know is now Naruto has a sister" she said tucking you into the blanket.

"Naruto? That's a nice name, i like it." And suddenly you opened your eyes to show your Sharingan once again, even though, now they have a different pattern. "I don't know that much about Sharingans nor the Uchiha's but it seems to me she has awakened not only her sharingan, but her mangekyo aswell." Minato said as he softly booped your nose.

"Its probably because of the Nara and Uchiha genepool mixing." Kushina said as she pulled the covers over her head. "Get some rest, you can figure it out tomorrow" Minato wasn't quite fond of this idea but yet again, if he didn't do it she'll have no other choice but to beat his ass so he fell asleep after stroking the baby's hair a bit longer.


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