Chapter 3: Itachi's leave, Academy

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"We'll see about that in the future Mister Uchiha..."


It was about 7 years later. Its currently 19:14PM and you've just returned from training. As you entered the compound something felt, strange,all the lights were off and it was quiet, too quiet....then you remembered somewhere today where you overheard Danzo and Itachi speaking and Danzo's order to Itachi 'Itachi wouldn't really attempt slaughtering his clan, would he?'

You were walking towards your house hiding in each shadow and bending alot of them to cover you, you slowly opened the window of your room. There was a box full of kunai, shuriken and swords under your bed. You took a few kunai and shuriken for the worst case scenario.

You slowly peeked your head out of your room and checked the hallway, it was clear. You walked towards Mikoto and Fugaku's room. But what you saw before you as you opened the door stunned you. Sasuke was in tears, stuck in Itachi's Genjutsu and Fugaku and Mikoto were dead at their feet.

"W-why brother!?...Why would you do this!!?" Sasuke yelled at Itachi. You looked at Itachi with a shadow casted over you. "Because, i needed to test myself and my abilities." itachi replied

"By killing our entire clan!?" Sasuke yelled again. Itachi didn't answer, although he did go on about how Sasuke should hate him forever. And you already realized the actual reason Itachi did this, not for Danzo, but to strengthen Sasuke.

As you were lost in thought still hidden behind your shadow bending jutsu, Sasuke ran past you and outside the house. You followed him and saw Itachi and him continue their dramatic ass moment.

As Itachi turned to leave he said "Goodbye Sasuke and sorry y/n..." And then poof he dissapeared. 'That motherfucker. He knew i was here the entire time?' You undid your jutsu."Y-y/n? You're alive?" Sasuke asked you standing up where he was currently sobbing on the ground.

"Of course i am alive Sasuke, come here" you held your arms open so he could hug you. You were looking at the moon, admiring its beauty and the power it gives you while hugging the young prodigy infront of you, you saw a crow fly over, you knew that crow, itachi just said goodbye for good. (The moon is basically your tailed beast)

Sasuke broke down in your arms as you tried comforting him. 'Holy fuck dude, stop crying I'm trying to think here...' You thought looking at Sasuke. "Sigh...come on Sasuke, lets go take a little walk" you led him out the compound by his hand. "W-where are we going Y/n?" He asked you still sniffing.

"We're going to Ichiraku's! That'll cheer you up!" You said pulling him onto your back giving him a piggy back ride. "Isn't it a bit late for Ichiraku's?" Sasuke asked you. "Its only somewhere around...eight or so right now, and Ichiraku closes at ten luckily for you"

'This is killing me, i just hope i don't have to keep acting this nice forever..' You thought as you slurped your last noodle. "Thanks" was all you said as you payed for the food, picked Sasuke up and left. "I'm eight, i can walk on my own you know" Sasuke said pouting. "Shut it." You replied to him.

Time skip>>>

"Goodnight Sasuke!" you said as you turned off the bed lamp. You heard him yell a faint "night" before you turned around and fell asleep.

When you woke up you got the living crap scared out of you by Sasuke, who thought it would be funny to stand next to you while you were sleeping and when you woke up, stared at you. "Come on sleeping beauty! We have school!" He yelled at you from his room.

☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now