Chapter 7: Training 2

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(new fit↑)



"Y/n, y/n, Y/N!"


You woke up with sweat all over your body. 'Why do i feel so sticky and tired...' You thought sitting up and looking around your room. 'Now i remember...' You thought opening your door walking out of your room, looking for something to drink.

You walked around a corner and bumped into Orochimaru. Literally. You collapsed on your back because you were smart enough to speed walk straight into his chest.

"Are you alright Y/n?" He asked you reaching out his hand so he could help you up. "I'm fine" you replied standing up on your own, declining his hand.

He stood up straight and watched as you dusted yourself off. "So?" He asked you. "So? What?" You replied leaning against the wall next to you.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine"



"So be it, but if you feel any pain of any sort come to me as quickly as possible."

"I will, when does the training session start?"

"It already has my dear prodigy, that curse mark was your first test and you seemed to actually survive it. I will teach you how to master most of your clan's jutsu and some other helpful ones i will also teach you about everything i know."

"Sounds fair enough, and in return i hand over my body, correct?"


"Alright then its settled. When are we having breakfast?"

"That's your second test, i will see how long you can last without eating or drinking anything, think of it as a survival test."

"Sounds like a drag, but I'll do it."

"Good. I'll go get Kabuto so he can show you around the place, wait here please."

You nodded and slid down the wall. Sitting on the floor as Orochimaru left. You sighed as you just sat there in the quiet. Waiting.

You sensed two chakras near you who you knew would be a problem. Naruto and Sasuke. 'These twits, did they follow us here?' You sighed and got up. You started walking back to your room to go get your weapons you let fall out when the curse mark was taking its place.

You were trying to avoid your two ex-comrades as much as possible but since you didn't know the place so well you walked right into them. 'Well fuck.' You thought looking at them blankly "What do you want?" You asked them in a low voice.

"For you to return to your home! The leaf!" Naruto said pointing at you. "That's no place for me to be in." You stated. "Y/n are you alright?" You heard Orochimaru say behind you, you turned around and saw him and Kabuto looking at you with confusion.

You looked back at the spot Naruto and Sasuke had just been. They were gone. "I see the hillucinations have started..." Orochimaru said walking closer to you.

"You said you were fine earlier, how could you have gotten worse within a few minutes?" He asked putting his hand on your forehead.

"You're sick Y/n, get some rest for now and your tests will have to wait." Kabuto said looking at you and Orochimaru with a worried expression.

"Alright then, show her around the place sometime when she's better." Orochimaru said as he walked off. "Come here, I'll check up on you and show you back to your room" was all Kabuto said walking off. You followed him.

The room you entered was a lab, he showed you to sit on the table in the middle of the place as he started making some sort of medicine.

"Don't worry too much Y/n, you'll be fine" Kabuto said pouring the mixture he made into a glass. "Huh, since when do you care whether or not i make it?" You asked him confused. "Since Lord Orochimaru needs a new vessel soon and Sasuke isnt ready yet."

"Sasuke's here?" You asked him with slight enlightenment in your voice. "No he isnt, not yet, me and Lord Orochimaru have to go get him in the Chunin exams." Kabuto said walking over to you. "I see..." You said dozing off.

"Y/n, y/n, Y/N!!" You heard Kabuto yell at you flicking your nose to make you return to reality again. "What" you stated furiously making him a bit startled.

"D-drink this, it will make you feel better" he said handing you a glass with a strange onyx green colour. You downed it all, and stood up. "Thanks" was all you said leaving the room.

You walked to Orochimaru's office. You knocked in the most common tune. 3 knocks. You heard him say a faint "enter" as you opened the door.

"Orochimaru. I am ready for my training." You stated with full confidence. "Are you sure about that Y/n?" He asked you, leaning closer on his desk. "Yes." You said staring at him blankly. "Alright then. If you say so."

You couldnt understand why he held back on you. You wanted more power so why did he struggle to recognize your full potential so much?

He led you outside. "Alright, show me everything you can do, i heard the fourth hokage also taught you jutsu, I'd like to fight you to see them." He stated.

(Imma skip this fight scene sorry, just know, you made him recognize your power.)

"Well Kintamé, you sure are as powerful as they say" he said wiping a drop of sweat off his forehead. "So are you." You said smirking.

"Your real training will be starting today, tomorrow morning and during the night you will constantly be tested. You will have to keep to a schedule of my creation, understood?" He asked you. "Understood." You said walking back inside.

'Tomorrow...and then maybe I'll be able to beat Obito soon.'



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