Chapter 2: Parents

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"How does she possess the Mangekyoū Sharingan!?"


Here i am, holding Naruto in my hands waiting to knock on the Hokage's door. I am 4 years old. We have to get our new living arrangements today. I take a deep breath after setting Naruto down. After knocking i heard a raspy voice say a faint "come in" I took Naruto's hand and led him inside the room.

"Lord Hokage, you called us for our living arrangements today, correct?" You asked him,
Sarutobi knew about your parents and your abilities, aswell as everyone else in the village except you, for some smart reason it was a secret you had to uncover on your own.

"Ah y/n, on time as always i see, its precisely 10:00 AM" he said chuckling and blowing a puff of smoke out of his mouth."You know how much i hate ruining a schedule" you replied stepping closer to him, Naruto still clinging onto your arm."Oh yes, the living arrangements!" He said quickly shuffling around in the pile of papers infront of him. "You didn't forget, now did you?" You asked him.

'Always forgetting things arent we Hiruzen?" You thought as you moved a few papers away and took the two papers stating where you and Naruto were living.

"It amazes me how smart you've become in only 3 years of being alive." The hokage said taking another puff of smoke."Four, four years of being alive Lord Hokage" You corrected him.

"Alright, alright dismissed!" He said and motioned his hand for you and Naruto to exit.

You were quite fond of the old man, he always found a way to entertain you with the things he did. As you were walking out the office and saying your goodbye's to Naruto you read your paper while walking towards the memorial stone.

'Hmm how strange...this paper says I'll be staying in the Uchiha compound. I wonder how Naruto's doing right now..'

As you passed the Yamanaka flower shop you stopped and got a few roses to place on the gravestone. You headed towards the stone and after a while of talking and getting lost in thought, you went to the compound.

'Seems like its probably somewhere around 17:23 right now which means the most reasonable time to arrive there would be 18:00 so i don't have to walk that fast since its only about 10-20 minutes away from me'

You were waiting outside the house of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha.' A few seconds left, 3...2...1' you knocked on the door and heard a woman's voice, she sounded excited.

She opened the door and before you could say hello she instantly picked you up and hugged you in a griplock you've only ever experienced from a certain red haired woman you loved dearly.

'This woman reminds me of Kushina..' You thought as you tried catching your breath after she set you down on the ground again. "Hi there! You must be Y/n! Please come in!" She said as she very politely shoved you inside the house.

"FUGAKU, ITACHI!! SHE'S HERE!!" You covered your ears. You weren't one for loud noises. "Miss Mikoto would you please not be so loud, its causing me a headache." You asked her.

"Wait, how old are you dear?" She asked you as she bent down to your level.

"I am currently 4 years and 3 months old." She went completely pale for a few seconds "Miss? Are you alright?" You asked her as you stepped a bit closer and poked her shoulder.

"Y-you're four? And can talk? And y-your e-eyes..." She said as she slowly stood up and called Fugaku again. "Yes what is i-" Fugaku said as he entered the room and saw you.

"How does she possess the Mangekyō Sharingan!?" He asked as he stepped closer to you. Itachi also came around the corner holding a baby in his arms.

"I don't really know how i have it, the Hokage said its because my parents went against the rules that are no longer lasting today." You said shrugging and stepping backwards so you didn't have to be so close to them.

"Could she possibly be..." Fugaku said as he still wandered your eyes. "What's your last name?" He asked you.

"Kintamé, sir." You replied "Its impossible.." Mikoto said. Itachi was standing next to her."What's impossible mother? And is that the infamous Mangekyō sharingan you and father always talk about?" Itachi said stepping closer to you.

"She's the child of M/n and F/n, Itachi go get that book i always read to you and Sasuke." Mikoto asked him. The raven haired boy quickly returned with a old book with gold, green and brown features.

"What's the book for miss?" You asked Mikoto "If my assumption is's the story of your parents, 'The Story Of The Two Lovers' " she said opening the book.

"I'll read it to you if you'd like" she said to you/asked you. "It sounds interesting, is it possible that i could keep the book, if you don't mind..."

Mikoto looked at you with an expression you're too familiar with because of Kushina, you were about to be squished again. And you were correct.

"Of course you can have the book i mean, its your parents after all!" She said as she spun around hugging you.

"Miss, i-i can't- breathe-" you said tapping her back. "Oops! I did it again! Hehe..." She said rubbing the back of her neck. Fugaku saved her embarrassing moment by asking Itachi to go show you your room and show you around the place a bit.

"....and that's the entire house, I'll show you the rest of the compound tomorrow." Itachi said as he opened your room's door for you to go inside. "This is my room?" You asked facing him.

"Yeah pretty much, try to get some rest, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." He said giving you a worried expression. "Yeah yeah, i will, goodnight." And with that he closed the door.

You took out the book from earlier. 'The two lovers eh? Such a strange story name lets see what its about..' You thought opening the book.

The book:

There were once two lovers from two different clans who weren't allowed to marry each other. But their villages' idiotic rules did not stop them from being inlove and secretly seeing eachother. One night the woman noticed she was gaining weight. And she realized she was pregnant she instantly told her lover and she hid away until her child was born, a beautiful little girl, the two lovers left their child at the Hokage's office and fled the village. Its rumoured that the child's genes might have influenced her kekkei genkei forcing her to have a sharingan and mangekyō sharingan since birth and with the intelligence of both the Nara and Uchiha clans. She will accomplish great things.

The end.

'Hm, both my parents abandoned me eh? I've never really cared about them that much...but why would they just leave me here? How selfish could they possibly be, leaving their only daughter behind in order to live a love-filled life with eachother....' At this point you were clenching the bedding under your hand and you threw the book across the room.

'Theyre no parents of mine...' You thought getting into bed. 'If i ever see them, I'll be sure to murder them' tears streaming down your face you closed your eyes and tried falling asleep.



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