Chapter 5: Training 1

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(your fit↑)



"You're just so kind and different!"


I reached the training grounds where ive seen Kakashi train his other students before. I checked the time '5:54 AM, I'm two hours early...' You thought sitting down next to a tree. You decided to start meditating and to try to use your telepathic brainwaves infused with chakra to reach the tailed beast realm so you could talk to them for a while. When you were halfway busy talking to Kurama, you sensed someones chakra looking at you, like eyes.

'Sorry foxie i gotta go, I'll catch up with you later' you told him exiting the realm. When you got back out of that state you stood up and activated your now Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to see where these eyes are. You detected them in a bush nearby.'probably just sasuke..' you thought rolling your eyes pushing away the bush to find...

"Hey Y/n, sorry for interfering with your meditation with my constant staring but i sensed your chakra and since its so early i thought you were an enemy." He explained to you as he stepped out of the bush and dusted himself off. "Well alright then, simp."

You said chuckling and walking back to your tree. Yes you claimed the tree it is yours you named it Jeff. (Not really, im joking lol) "I am not!" He said catching up. "Well then why else are you talking like a robot, Uchiha?" You asked him. "I- alright alright, so what!" He said pouting.

"Aww your just as cute as your fangirls." You said with sparkles in your eyes and a sarcastic tone. "Are you busy tonight? If not would you meet me at the hokage mountain?" he said in a determined yet shy tone "if our teammates dont decide on doing something, yeah I'll go"

"Wait, really!?" He asked you with a slightly noticable blush on his face "well yeah, you're a nice guy" you said smiling and walking away because you sensed your teams chakras. "I'll see you there sasuke." you said winking at him and teleported to your teammates

"There you are!" Naruto yelled making you flinch. "Naruto don't yell, she's right there" Sasuke said walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry about that." He whispered. "Its fine, just try to keep him calm otherwise I'll resort to violence." You whispered back making him a bit unsettled but he readjusted himself and nodded his head.

Time skip to after the training exercise>>>

"Here" Sasuke said as he held his box infront of the starving blonde who was tied to the pole. Sakura the same later on, and me? Well i was sitting in a tree nearby watching them.

I knew exactly that this exercise was about teamwork before it even began, when i told Kakashi-Sensei i knew, he made me a Genin and said if i tell the others before they did the exercise he'd make sure i never become a ninja. So I've been waiting quite a while now.

'hmm, Kakashi's prediction was incorrect, they can work as a team after all' you thought breaking off a leaf and burning it with a jutsu in the palm of your hand. 'And three,'

Kakashi appeared infront of the three that were clearly breaking his rules. But he told them that they all passed and that the training exercise wasn't about getting the bells, but working as a team.

I jumped off the branch where i was and started approaching them. Sasuke quickly walked towards me. When he was infront of me he grabbed my shoulders and asked if i was okay and said he was worried. "Sasuke, im fine, i think its you i should be worrying about, since when do you care so much?" You asked him in a confused tone

"I've always cared only about you...i wanted to ask you something.." he said with a blush. "Y/n, come here!" Kakashi-Sensei called you. "Sorry Sasuke, I'll catch up with you later" you said brushing past him towards your group.

"Ugh why's she here?" Sakura asked looking at you with disgust. "If you've already forgotten, let me freshen your memory a bit. I am your comrade. A part of team 7. And the soon to be person that'll bash your head into a brick wall if you do not learn to respect people more." You told her with a nonchalant tone. "And she's the first one who figured out what the training exercise was about!" Kakashi said in an amused tone before you murdered Sakura. "WHAT!?" All three of them yelled in unison.

You very slightly flinched at their loud voices but you played it off well. "Hey! Calm down. I was trying to say, you all could learn a lot from her."

Kakashi had alot of pride calling you his student because his father used to love reading the book of you. And kakashi loved the entire idea of such a strong prodigy. Luckily for him, he got her as his student. "Uhm, will someone help me out here?" Naruto went on as the rest of our team walked away.

I stayed behind. I was looking at him, observing the way hes struggling in the rope.

"Ya gunna help me y/n?" He asked in a rude tone. You glanced at him. "You personally? No. My comrade? Yes." You said taking out a kunai cutting him loose. "Aha thanks y/n!" He said clinging to your arm giving you puppy eyes and every now and then nuzzling your arm.

"Ahem. Naruto Uzumaki." You said looking at him with a 'what the absolute fuck?' Look. "One more minute" he said as you started walking away. "Stop walking im gonna fall over!" He said. "Thats the idea." You said expressionless. "Whats up with you?" You asked him.

"You're just so kind and different!!" he said hugging you even tighter.

"Enough." You said and he sprung off you. You kept walking away with your hands in your pockets. "Wait up!" He screamed running towards you. "Where are you going?" He asked you.

'Home, where does it look like im going, a party?' You thought blank faced staring at him. "Home." You said walking again. "You also have one i suggest you go." You said teleporting away. 'Forgot i could do that' you thought plopping down on your bed, not even checking where Sasuke was.

You were almost asleep until you remembered..


To be continued...

I think im starting to experience writers block😶

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