Chapter 9: Well that's unfortunate

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(just a quick lil note, im bad at remembering things like episodes of a show or I'll usually get them confused with eachother so forgive me if I'm confusing)



"Prove it sweetheart.."


You were at the hideout going through the documents of your next mission in your room. You were at the rain village with Pain, Konan was out on another mission in the land of Rice.

"Yo Pain, what mission did you assign Deidara and Tobi? they haven't returned yet." You asked him.

"Oh, about them, Deidara killed Sasuke Uchiha and we haven't heard anything from "Tobi" assuming he was killed in the massive explosion Deidara set off." Pain answered coming closer to you."well then, that's quite unfortunate.." you said.

He stood behind you leaning over your figure stroking your hair. "Sasuke wasn't killed though... I can sense his chakra levels, although they might be far away"

Pain hummed in response, now inching closer to your skin. "You know Y/n... I never really knew what you saw in Sasuke." Pain hummed against your neck. "I don't see anything in him, he's not really my type, too cocky." You said with a tint of pink on your face.

"Doesn't that mean you should love him even more?" Pain asked now holding you around your waist. "Like i said, he's not my type, he always tried to be better than Naruto and our other teammate. So I don't have love for him at all." You elaborated. "Hmm? Is that so?" He asked again.

"Yes." You answered quite flustered at his voice. "Prove it sweetheart." He hummed kissing your neck. "Pain, i never thought you.." you said blushing turning around so you could face him. "Come on, you said you didn't have feelings for him, so what's the matter?" He asked. "I guess you are attractive, and you're not cocky, but we can't get into a relationship, think of it as a one time thing alright?" You said as he nodded and pushed you against the table behind you.

I cringe too much at the smut i write so
You two started making out you fucked him okay? Manz was at your will here😩🙌 you had him shaking and everything..

"Remember, that never happened okay?" You said pulling your Akatsuki cloak on. "What never happened? We were just talking" he said smirking and walking to your door. "But just so you know, i really enjoyed that." He said closing the door as he walked out. You smiled and went to your desk reading through some documents until nightfall.

You fell asleep on some papers and were awoken by Pain talking to someone, assuming it was Konan, you approached them. Konan turned into paper butterflies and flew away.

"New mission? She just got back.." you said staring at the rain, it was one of the reasons you decided to move to the hidden rain.

You loved the cold, dark, and just everything the village had to offer. "I'm glad you enjoy the rain so much, others would get sorrowful." Pain said ignoring the question you asked yourself a moment ago.

"Hehe...yeah. it's soothing" you said sitting next to him. "Konan went to find Jiraya, one of the great three Saninn of the leaf village" Pain said after a few seconds of you sitting there.

"I've heard of him, some rumours of he trained that nine tail kid." You said remembering the small towns of people you infiltrated and gather information on before killing the people.

"She'll distract him for a bit, i want you as back-up, if anything happens to me and Konan, you're the only one who can help us." He said standing up getting ready to go. "I see, I'll watch the fight until then.." you said in a bored tone you always speak with.

You had a jutsu you could use to watch what people were doing even from far distance, its meant for listening to secret meetings or gathering intel but you created it so why not have some fun with it?


AHEM this is the end of the chapter, I'll update after watching a few more episodes



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