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"Are you still gonna ignore your feelings for me...?"


You woke up the next morning. You saw Sasuke holding you in his arms closely. He soon later opened his eyes and smiled when he saw you. "Morning loverboy" you said to him. "Morning gorgeous" he said kissing you.

"Your room's a mess, I'll clean it up for you. Give me a second" you said trying to get out of bed to do a clean up justu, but you fell down onto the floor. "Ah shit Y/n are you okay?" He asked quickly getting off the bed to help you up.

"I guess we got too carried away last night.." he said with a nervous chuckle.

You decided he was allowed to fuck you in the shower last night but he got a bit carried away. He sat you back onto the bed. You did the jutsu and his room, and you two, were clean and dressed.

"That's a useful one." He said laughing kissing your forehead. "Yeah, it also made my legs better again" you said getting up, only to get yanked down by him again.

"Y/n, do you know how much i love you even if you'd never feel the same?" He asked you. "What do you mean?" You asked sitting up straight. "We fucked last night, are you still gonna ignore your feelings for me...?" He asked you sadly. "N-no, I just agh, this is so confusing!" You shoved all your words out your mouth at once. "I-im sorry i didn't mean to-" he said nervously.

"I-i should go, thank you for everything I'll see you later." You said giving him a quick kiss before running to his door unlocking it and going to the kitchen to find Jugo.

You found him in the living room with everyone else as they were chatting. You fell down and luckily Jugo catched you before you hit the ground. "Woah there, you alright?" He asked you checking everything to see if you're fine

Madara soon after appeared, his hair was wet so you were assuming he showered. Sasuke appeared too and walked towards you and sat next to you on the couch. You didn't mind him there until you caught him throwing glances at you every now and then.

It was awkward. What were you supposed to say?

"Y/n.." Sasuke said leaning over to you. "Sasuke.." you said sitting closer to hear what he wanted to say.

"Let's make Karin jealous.." he said with a smirk. "And how do you plan to do that?" You asked him.

"Let's make out." He said with an evil smirk. "You son of a- okay." You said as he pushed you down onto the couch and aggressively made out with you.

Soon catching the attention of everyone. Suigetsu and Madara got mad at Sasuke. Jugo had no business in it. And Karin was about to explode. And she did.

"Why you little! You're a slut Y/n! I swear you'd sleep with any guy that crosses your path!"

Madara soon hit her with a Genjutsu to shut her up after she said that. He also pulled Sasuke off you throwing him into a Genjutsu aswell.

"Madara why'd you put everyone under Genjutsu?" You asked him. He just stared at you and reached out his hand.

"Come here." He said pulling you into his chest taking off his mask. He kissed you roughly. "I miss you Y/n, i miss us." He said sadly.

"We can't get back together you know that." You said softly stroking his hair. "Yeah, i know, just don't get official with Sasuke okay? It would break me.." he said looking at the ground.

"Hey look at me, I'd never try to break your heart okay?" You said pulling him into a kiss. He smiled and pit his mask back on, releasing the Genjutsu's.

They all woke up and just played it off as if nothing happened at all.


Y'all i tried writing this before i went to sleep and damn was there alot of errors when i reviewed it.


☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now