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"Hold still for me..."


"Why exactly are we supposed to do this mission? If it is even a mission, we go sent to buy food what the fuck?" Deidara asked looking at the list of items in his hand. "I dunno, I don't understand why all three of us got sent for food.." you said trying to think why pain would give you such a weird 'mission'  "Oh! Oh! I know!" Tobi exclaimed grabbing your attention.

"He knew we had good taste in food!" Tobi exclaimed confidently. Earning a small chuckle from you and a scowl from Deidara. "Oh come on Deidara, lighten up" you said walking into the market place after performing a transformation jutsu to blend in.

Time skip brought to you by this beautiful bromance>>>

You were laying down on the clay bird by Sasuke. Staring at the sky. It was cloudy so you knew it would start raining sometime. And just as you finished that thought it started pouring down. Although you didn't care for it. You liked the rain.

"Yo Y/n! We're here!" Deidara yelled from under you. You were flying quite high. "Alright.." you said taking the bird down. "You need help carrying him?" Tobi asked you looking at how you lifted Sasuke off the bird. "Nah i got it." You said walking away. You set him down in your room.

You released the jutsu you had on him. He opened his eyes a while later. You were sitting at your desk reading through some notes and clues on your parents and Obito Uchiha.


I woke up to a strange dim light. And a figure at a table. I sat up straight trying to focus on who was there. 'what happened to Y/n...i hope she's alright..' he thought slowly standing up walking towards the figure. He then realised he didn't have his weapons on him and his clothes were changed.

"Who are you?" I asked, barely able to speak. "Oh, seems you've woken up." That voice...Y/n? "Come on loverboy, let's get you some eye drops, the air is pretty dry in here" she said getting a small bottle of eye drops in her fridge. "Hold still for me.." she said focusing into my eyes.

God she's so beautiful..if only she'd let me love her.. i thought examining her features. Her eyes, hair, how she pursed her lips trying to focus, her soft gentle movements on his face to try and get the eye drops in right.

When she was done and sat back. I grabbed her waist pulling her closer. "Why can't you just love me Y/n..." I asked softly stroking her hair. "Sasuke.." she said pushing me away. "Please Y/n, we could work this out.." i asked leaning in so i was closer to her face. I've never been this sensitive with anyone.


You pulled him in closer to you. "I don't love you.." you whispered into his ear pushing him away chuckling at his behaviour. (haha y'all really thought, lol we don't do that lovey dovey shit here😭💅)  "In fact, the only reason you're here is because i needed you to tell me about the Uchiha's hidden compounds, but you wouldn't know about those.." you said getting off your bed heading to your door. "Until we meet again, Sasuke." You said teleporting away.

Sasuke still loved you, even though he hated that he did. He just couldn't get enough of you. He was fighting an internal war against himself for you.

He sneaked out of the hideout and went on his ahem *insert might guy's voice* ..NOBLE QUEST TO FIND KARIN AND THE OTHERS TO CREATE HIS LIL GANG!! 💅


Okay so i continued Naruto Shippuden
Yknw what that means.



☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now