Chapter 8: Shippuden

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New outfit again↑↑
Eyes: onyx brown
You have two katana's on your waist along with a the type of rope orochimaru has but colored black.
Hair:same as the outfit before this one
Age:18 (3 years older than naruto)
Affiliations:Akatsuki, Orochimaru.


"Pretty Kintamé come here..."


You were training outside when all of a sudden you heard a loud bang inside the hideout.

You shrugged and continued. 'I wonder if Sasuke has killed Orochimaru yet...' You thought continuing to practice your already perfected jutsu called a chidori fire blast. It allows you to do a fireball jutsu combined with chidori.

You knew Sasuke was going to kill Orochimaru someday. There's no way he'd just hand over his body to him willingly.

You were exceedingly better at everything than Sasuke was. You had mastered more jutsu, perfected most of them, you were already accepted into the Akatsuki and you had Orochimaru twisted around your finger to do anything you wanted.

You were done training for a while and went for a walk. You saw Sasuke talking to some kid about home and shit you didn't find interest in.

You walked past and you sensed Sasuke saw you. You kept walking hoping he'd not try to annoy or spar with you.

Unfortunately he had all intentions to learn what you've done and steal your jutsu with his sharingan.

"Pretty Kintamé come here..." He said behind you. You looked back at him with your normal expressionless face.

"You know how much i want to steal your jutsus and your heart now come on, fight me gorgeous" he said smirking, taking out his katana. You looked at his katana, his stance then back at his sharingan.

"You want to fight me with those petty sharingan of yours that you failed miserably at upgrading?" You asked him taking out your katana. He felt disrespected after you said that and he came straight at you.

You dodged his attack with ease. You looked back at him with your EMS activated. You two stared into eachother's eyes and you were completely mesmerized by eachother.
Until you broke eye contact. "It seems you were right back in the academy, i am quite evil." You said chuckling.

"Of course you'd bring that up." He said getting back on his feet trying to hit you with a chidori which your shadow clone avoided.

Yes you actually sent a shadow clone past him and yes you're currently not there. You were now on your way to capture the three tails with Tobi and Deidara.

"Why are you so foolish, Sasuke?" You asked looking down on him from where you were standing on him after hitting him with his own jutsu.

"You better watch out Y/n, I might be in love with you but I'll be sure to surpass you one day." he said walking off and dusting himself off. 'We'll have to see about that.' Your clone thought as she poofed away.

Sasuke turned back around and saw the clone vanishing. 'That woman sure does amaze me..she was so powerful yet it was only her shadow clone' He thought as he walked back to his training area.

☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now