Chapter 15: Intruders In Both

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(Might wanna play Hayloft II for this chapter)






You were awoken to sunlight annoying your eyes. You groaned and got up. Surprisingly nobody was there. You got up and walked towards the exit of the hideout.

You got outside and saw the team fighting some ninja. 'they probably got sent after us for the jinchuuriki' you sighed, stuffed your hands in your pockets and teleported to the others.

"Y/n? You're not supposed to be here, you're still weak, you'll get hurt!" Your teammates yelled at you. 'weak? Okay these motherfuckers are testing me today' You already had a headache and didn't feel like talking.

You motioned for them to shut up and leave you. You walked towards the ninja infront of you.

"Who are you!?" The one yelled at you. "Me? I'm your last opponent." You chuckled to yourself before staring at him with your Mangekyou Sharingan. You couldn't use your EMS anymore since it started harming your eyes.

"Sh-she's an Uchiha! Like the other one, accept for her eyes, they might be- no, they are the Mangekyou Sharingan!" He yelled in fear.

You started laughing hysterically. They stared at you in fear while your comrades were just standing back, not wanting to intervene since you would kill them without hesitation if they did.

"You two fools honestly thought i was playing when i said that I'm your last opponent, i was being serious." You smirked at them. (Sukuna mf-)

They were just staring at you. You got annoyed and bored. You lunged at them. You pinned one to the boulder behind them with your katana.

And the other one tried using some random ass jutsu on you which you avoided. You held a chidori just near his heart. Before striking him you stopped and looked him in the eyes.

"Why are you two here?" You stated, staring at him with a dull expression.  "We're here to take back Killer Bee!" He said frightened. "Thanks, any last words?" You asked politely while stretching your arm out more and more almost piercing his skin.

"P-please! D-don't! I-i'll do anything! Just let me l-live-" he rambled on. You rolled your eyes. "Oh god nevermind, you're pathetic." You stood back making your chidori big enough to evaporate his entire body.

You rubbed your eyes and looked directly at the guy you pinned earlier. You stared back at your comrades who were looking at you in horror.

"Hey! You guys handle that one okay? I got something to do..." You stated stuffing your hands back into your pockets and walking towards another direction than the hideout or your teammates.

You heard someone jogging to catch up with you. "Where are you going?" You heard the person say. "The Hidden Leaf, i have business to attend to there." You stated not bothering to look up.

You could still hear them out of breathe and walking alongside you. You looked up to see Sasuke with drops of sweat dripping down his face and was covered in blood.

"Are you alright?" You said looking infront of you again. "Mhm, i just got stabbed in my stomach though.." he said. You stopped and pulled him closer, you performed a medical ninjutsu on him that Kabuto taught you.

"Okay, there. Now you can't annoy me with your heavy breathing anymore." You said walking further. "I don't know how you killed that other guy so quickly... The one i fought was tough." He said lightly chuckling.

"Skill." You stated closing your eyes feeling the cold wind against your skin. A while passed and you started wondering why he was still walking with you. "Hey, why are you here, what about the others?" You asked him.

"They're at the hideout, I'm coming with you. After all, you're injured and-" He stated looking at you. "You're in love?" You asked chuckling. "Well yeah, as if you didn't know... But that's not why im here!" He protested. You just looked infront of you again. "Hm, alright."

Time skip brought to you by me writing this with a migraine barely able to see>>😌😃

You got to the Leaf's front gates. "Well, it's been a while." You and Sasuke said in unison. "Let's hope we can still get in, it's a possibility since we lived here once." You said walking out of the guard's sight.

"Come on, i know a spot where nobody can see us sneak in." You said motioning for him to hurry up and follow you. You both jumped over the rooftops and saw a explosion in the distance.

"Let's check it out." You stated going closer

You and Sasuke got to the blast site. "Pain!?" You said shocked not expecting him to have gotten into the hidden leaf. "Y/n? And Sasuke Uchiha aswell? What a nice reunion to your village eh? I made a few renovations, hope you don't mind." He said with a small metal shape inbetween his fingers aimed at...

"Kakashi?" You said staring at his bloody and wrecked up face. "Y-y/n?" He asked in a low voice.  Before pain shot the pin at him.

"Rude, we were talking." You said staring around at all the village 'renovations'

"Really wrecked the place huh?" You said chuckling with your hands in your pockets. "Although, your plan was early off, Naruto isn't in the village, but he's on his way." You said looking at Pain.

"It seems so. Until he shows up, I'll just destroy this blasted village." Pain said taking off.




Annnd that's all for now. I'm currently watching aot so i wont be updating this story for a bit. Thank you to everyone who's been reading it so far, i appreciate all of you.



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