FILLER CHAPTER: kinda of a y/n x sasuke moment..

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You woke up the next morning. Instantly running to get eye drops from the small fridge you had at the hideout. You squeezed the tiny bottle allowing the drops to freshen your eyes so you could see again "fuuck..." You sighed in relief. 'definitley not staying up that late again' you thought rubbing your eyes walking to the main room looking for pain or atleast tobi.

You found pain going through some documents. It was 5:34AM so you weren't in the mood for talking, yet again, when are you exactly in the mood for anything social?

Instead of conversing, you just sat across him and handed him a paper you knew he was searching for. "Thanks.." he mumbled quietly.

He understood you didn't want to talk because he knows how late you stayed up. You helped him in silence until 8:10AM when everyone else who were sane, got up.

"GOOOD MOOORNING!!" You heard Tobi exclaim in the hallway. "Oh my god Tobi, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Deidara yelled running after him. (The bromance y'all 😩😭) You saw Itachi coming out of his room aswell as Kisame, Zetsu and Konan. 'arent we missing someone here?' you thought as you counted everyone.

"Y/n if you're wondering where Kakuzu and Hidan are, they got killed by the Leaf's new team 7." Pain said because he saw your confused face.

'new team 7? The Leaf? How did they even find Hidan and Kakuzu, How'd they die? Weren't they like... immortal?'
your mind overflowed with thoughts until you heard something that snapped you back to reality.

Pain just broke the table to get your attention. "Yes?" You asked staring at him blankly. "Could you focus on the meeting without zoning out for once!?" You heard Konan yelling at the end of the table. You stared at her, examining her features then staring into her eyes.

"No." You replied deadly. Her expression looked as if she regretted everything she had said as she quickly looked away and apologized.

"Y/n is an ambassador to the Akatsuki. The strongest, disciplined and most powerful ally we have, you all will treat her with utter respect. Got it?" Pain threatened.

He was mainly looking at Konan to persuade her. She nodded her head along with everyone else.

"Good, now let's go over our missions for today."

Time skeeep>>>

"Tobi wake up!" Deidara yelled smacking the back of Tobi's head. "Ouchie! Why'd you do that Deidara Senpai!" Tobi yelled in a overdramatic voice. Rubbing his eyes because he had just fell asleep while walking.

You weren't paying attention to them but to the path ahead. When you heard them go quiet you looked to your side where they were just walking. 'where'd those two go?' you thought turning around. "Hello Y/n.." you heard someone breathe into your ear. Sasuke. "Oh, you came looking for me?"

You turned around looking at him. He was leaning on his sword. White robe, purple rope, dark navy pants. "You look gorgeous Y/n.." he said tucking a piece of hair loosely behind your ear. "Yeah yeah lover boy, where are my teammates?" You asked pushing his hand away from your face.

"Ouch, more worried about your teammates than your lover?" He asked in a cocky voice. "Sasuke, i don't have time for this." You walked past him activating your EMS looking back at him when you noticed you were in a Genjutsu.

"So you finally noticed?" You heard him behind you again. "Yes." You said releasing the jutsu showing Sasuke infront of you with your teammates tied up and caught in his Genjutsu.

"For Akatsuki, your teammates are pretty weak." Sasuke said slightly chuckling. "Says the guy who couldn't activate-" he cut you off by kissing you.

'seriously? Manz caught me off guard' you kissed back. While slowly doing hand signs putting Sasuke in a jutsu knocking him out instantly.

'fuck, now i have to look after him..' you sighed heavily walking over to your teammates who were snapped out of the genjutsu.

"Deidara, could you please create that giant clay bird?" You asked pinching the bridge of your nose. "And waste my art for you? Hn. As if." You glared at him with your EMS "Deidara... I suggest you do as she says..." Tobi said pointing at your eyes.

Deidara got scared looking at your eyes and the images of what you could've just done to him. "A-alright." He said forming the bird. "Thank you." You said picking up the Uchiha lifting him onto the bird.

"Where'd Sasuke Uchiha come from?" Tobi asked tapping your shoulder. "I don't know, he found me." You said walking further ahead, not in the mood for talking.

"Let's just complete this fucking mission." You scowled tucking your hands into your pockets walking away. "What's up with her?" Tobi asked Deidara. "No idea" he replied.

You were frustrated at the fact you haven't learned anything new for a while. And that the fucking Uchiha boy kissed you and you KISSED BACK?? 'Whats gotten into me?...' you thought kinda pissed.

"HEY Y/N CALM DOWN!!" You heard someone yelling at you. 'why am i being yelled at?" You turned around and saw your teammates running towards you, the bird flying behind them. "You ran away and we were worried." Deidara said out of breath. "Oh, well, we're almost there, come on."



☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now