Chapter 6: Sasuke Uchiha/Orochimaru

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"The sunset is beautiful isn't it?"


You jumped out of your bed. 'Luckily i still have my outfit on' you thought running out your front door past your ninja weapons.

As you arrived at the hokage mountain you saw Sasuke sitting there, faint tears glossing his eyes. You could hear a faint "she didn't remember..." As you walked closer. "Who didn't remember?" You asked him.

"Y-Y/n? You're here?" He asked as you sat down next to him. "Of course, we had an arrangement didnt we?" You asked giving him a closed eye smile causing him to blush. "I-i guess so." He said looking at the stars.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" He asked you. Which confused you a bit. "The sunset? But it's night? 21:25 to be precise." You said in a confused tone. "I know" he said smiling. "Its a japanese phrase, you should read more books" he said staring at the moon.'the sunset is beautiful isnt it?" Ive never read that...wait...isnt that a phrase that means i love you but...but...i think it was, but im letting you go or something..' You thought looking at him.

"Am i that dear to you?" You asked him. His gaze shifted from the moon to you. "Indeed, it seems you've figured it out" He said sighing. "Oh what the hell." You said faintly before kissing him. He kissed you back even more passionately and when you two broke apart for air gasping. He stuttered "Its late, i should get going." He stated before going away saying a faint "bye, I'll see you later" with a wave off his hand. Leaving you there to stare at your chakra source alone. (The moon) 'that boy..' You thought slightly smiling. "Whats so funny Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice ask, but you couldn't quite put your finger on who's voice it was.

You stood up and turned around to see a snake pale skinned male with golden eyes infront of you. "Ah, Orochimaru, one of the three great Sannin. Why do i have the honor of meeting you this fine night?" You asked in a sarcastic tone only you knew was sarcastic.

"Actually, the honor's all mine Y/n Kintamé, you hold such dearly precious genes, would you like to expand your abilities?" He asked you as he got closer to you.

You thought about it for a while after responding. "Why not?" And shrugging your shoulders. He held out his hand to you. You took his hand with no hesitation. But you didnt know there was a little uchiha comrade watching you two.

Sasuke's thoughts:
'That python piece of crap, how dare he even lay his hands on her, and why did she accept!? Has she got any clue what she's just got herself into?'

He sighed. He didnt know how to react to the man who just took your hand and teleported you away. 'Hes dying along with Itachi' He thought walking back.

Timeskip to Orochimaru's Lair>>>

"Before i can train you in any way, i need your consent for the taking of your body once you've fulfilled your desires." He said looking at you with his arms crossed. "I'll have to think about it." You stated, staring into his golden eyes shining in the dim lighting. "I'll give you 11 hours, that enough?" He tried bargaining. "Indeed." 'I need to become stronger to defeat Obito.'

You knew Obito Uchiha was still alive and as strong as ever, because you saw him murder Kushina right in front of you, so you made it your sworn duty to avenge your only mother figure you've ever had.

"Lord Orochimaru. I finished that task you assigned me-" A teen with greyish blue hair and glasses stated walking in to find you and Orochimaru standing across eachother. "What's this? You've successfully tamed the Kintamé prodigy?" He said in an impressed voice. "Kabuto, ive yet to make her a prodigy and she came to me willingly, i didn't force her."

"That's a first" Kabuto stated smiling. You were facing Kabuto with Orochimaru behind you. "I give my consent." You stated. You suddenly heard Orochimaru say a faint "perfect" before you felt his cold hand pushing away a few strands of hair from your neck. "Survive this and i keep my promise of making you the strongest opponent to anyone who crosses your path" he said before you felt a sudden sting in your neck. "What the fuck..." You said before you touched the area he bit. "Its a curse mark, it will grant you great power...if you survive it that is" Kabuto said before leaving the room. You fell to the floor clenching your neck. "Fuck..." You murmured squeezing your eyes closed and clenching your jaw from the pain. It hurt but it wasn't unbearable.

Orochimaru crouched down next to you. "You're quite loyal Y/n, i actually hope you make it." He chuckled a bit before leaving the room. "This is just annoying" you said laying in a star form on the floor. 'I cant move any part of my body now, the venom is probably taking its time flooding my body.' You thought staring at the ceiling made of rocks and mud.

"FUUUCK!" You yelled loud enough to make Orochimaru tremble a bit.

"Well someone's regretting their decision now arent they?" He said chuckling. "Indeed, but i believe she'll make it" Kabuto said pushing up his glasses. "That's exactly why i chose her. She's perfect." Orochimaru replied walking to his room.

"Make sure if she's dead by tomorrow to savour her eyes for me will you?" He asked opening his bedroom door. "Of course my lord." Kabuto said smirking. Orochimaru closed the door behind himself and Kabuto did whatever he does normally throughout the night.



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