Chapter 13: Ahem...

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"Try me gorgeous..."


(Smut warning)

The battle was done and you all were walking back to the hideout. Along the way Sasuke's been trying nothing so far. It made you a bit worried. Is he mad at you?

You looked back at him and saw he was staring at you with his Sharingan activated. You turned back around and started walking faster to get further away from all the tension in the group.

"Y/n wait up!" They yelled running after you. You hadn't noticed how fast you were walking until you realised you were in the middle of nowhere. You turned around and saw everyone out of breath.

"Sorry about that" you said walking past them back to the main road. They all tried telling you off but couldn't form any words. Sasuke was on your tail, just following closely behind you like a lost puppy.

You made it to the hideout. It was already nightfall. You entered the place followed by the team. You decided on keeping a certain promise too...

"Yo Sasuke!" You called to him as he was across the entire room. You approached him where he was in the living room conversing with Jugo and Suigetsu, often being interrupted by Karin.

"Yes gorgeous?" He asked staring at you, making Karin mad. You got into his lap and went to his ear. "Want me to keep our little promise?" You whispered lightly biting his earlobe.

You felt his, ahem, pant's pockets suddenly become veeery full. "Try me gorgeous..." He said placing his hands on your waist lifting you up while he stood up. "I'll see you guys later." He stated before carrying you away.

"They're definitely gonna fuck." Suigetsu stated flipping one of the cards he held in his hands over. "Probably." Jugo agreed, doing the same actions. "They won't! Sasuke only has feelings for me, he fucked me first!" Karin yelled throwing all her cards down. "As a rebound." Both of the guys said in unison. "Oh shut up" she stated.


Sasuke carried you into his room, layed you on his bed and locked his door. "You ready loverboy?" You asked looking at him. "I've been ready since we met.." he whispered getting on top of you kissing your neck violently. "Calm down, we have all night" you said tugging his hair. "Sorry, i just can't get enough of you.."

He kept going further and got to you shirt. He lifted you off the bed and you pushed him away for a second, leaving him confused. You took off all your clothing pieces off one piece at a time, slowly.

You saw how hard it made him. You pushed him back onto the bed and started undressing him. When you got to his underwear you made sure to use your teeth to drag it down. You saw all the precum already dripping from the tip of his dick.

"Look how needy you are for me.." you said stroking it lightly causing him to whine. You licked the tip and started jerk him off while seductively keeping eye contact. He let out lewd, loud and slutty moans and whines.

"Didn't i say I'll make you scream my name?" You asked going a bit slower. "Answer me.." you said almost stopping. "Y-yes you did, p-please don't s-stop." He replied in a needy voice. You started speeding up again.

"Ah fuck, gahh, it feels so good- ahh!" He kept cutting himself off in the ecstasy you left him in. You stopped completely at stared at him. "Y-y/n why'd you.." he asked as you shushed him. Your hand was still around his dick.

When he let his guard down you started going faster than you were before and got alot of loud screams and yearns for more from him. "Scream my name." You said starting to lick his tip while jerking him off. "Y-Y/n!" He tried screaming.

"Again, louder, moan it!" You ordered before starting to suck him off aswell as jerking. "Y/N!! AHH FUCK, Y/N!!" He screamed as he came in your mouth.

You took his dick out of your mouth and licked the excess cum spilling out your mouth.

You got up and went to his bathroom without saying anything. He ran after you. "What are you doing?" He asked you. "Showering?" You said back confused. "I said I'd make you scream my name and you did that, didn't you enjoy it...?" You asked him shyly.

"Y-yes ofcourse i loved it! It was amazing, thank you Y/n.." he said kissing your neck. "Wanna shower with me?" You asked him and his eyes sparked with joy. "Yes."

After the shower and getting dressed, you got into his bed with him, he held you close to his chest and played with your hair until you both fell asleep.



☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now