Chapter 12: Makeout Paradise: Forest Tactics

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You woke up and tried sitting up straight but feeling a presence weighing you down. You remembered you went to sleep with Madara last night but when you looked over to who it was...

"SUIGETSU WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" You yelled whacking his arms off you and jumping away. "Jeez calm down it's like, six in the morning.." he said rubbing his eyes looking at you.

"MOTHERFUCKER THAT STILL DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE IN MY ROOM NOR MY BED CUDDLING ME!!" and suddenly your door got broken down by Madara and Sasuke, Karin and Jugo following behind them.

"What's going on in here? Y/n are you alright?" Both the Uchiha asked you in unison. They glared at eachother and you chuckled lightly.

"I'm fine, just startled." You said turning to Suigetsu hugging your pillow. "Suigetsu your transformation jutsu wore off you idiot! It was supposed to fool her!" Karin yelled at him.

You and the other Uchiha's cocked your heads to the side. "Excuse me?" You said deadly calm as always.

"I-i meant uhm.." she stuttered seeing your expressionless face as you walked closer to her.


Y/n approached Karin very calmly. She stood infront of Karin and within a millisecond she grabbed Karin's throat and slammed her to the ground causing her to cough up blood.

Y/n then whispered something into Karin's ear causing her face to go completely pale.


You slammed her into the ground. "You hope you'll still be able to fucking run your mouth after this, I've been considerate, next time Karin, I'll kill you without a second breath."  You whispered getting off her. "Now, let's get going, we have a jinchuuriki to catch." You said walking out of your room.

You turned around and walked back in "on second thought, i needa pack, all of you fuck off." You said shoving them all out.

You yanked Suigetsu off your bed and literally yeeted him out your room.

"FUCK YOU Y/N!" he yelled rubbing his head getting up. "YOU ALL WISH THAT Y'ALL COULD!" you yelled back throwing everything into your bag after putting on your normal outfit.

You walked out your room and threw your bag near the exit. You went to the kitchen expecting to find Jugo as always but there they were. Cooking breakfast, together.

"Y/n!" They yelled surprised in unison "We weren't expecting you to be done so quickly.."the one mumbled"I'm surprised you two are making breakfast" you chuckled at Madara and Sasuke (sorry making yall wait so long)

"Well, since you had such a terrible morning, we thought it's the least we could do." Madara said flipping the bacon strips. "Well, thank you guys." You said giving each of them a kiss on the cheeck and mask, leaving Sasuke a bit pink and Madara smirking?

Time skip>>>

You were walking next to Sasuke behind the rest of team Taka. You weren't in the mood for Karin's bullshit or Suigetsu's sketchy ass, so you decided loverboy would be the best choice. Sasuke tried tripping you, holding your hand, tried catching glances at you without looking weird.

☠︎︎𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙾𝚛 𝙳𝚘 𝙸?☠︎︎  (s. ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now