A New Arrival

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Will:I'm Bringing In an Animal And You're Taking Of it.

(Y/n):WHY ME!?

Will:Well Because..........

The God dude Snaps His Fingers And Outcame A Dog But it Wasn't Just Any Dog As This Was......

The God dude Snaps His Fingers And Outcame A Dog But it Wasn't Just Any Dog As This Was

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The dog Hearing it's Name turns to you and runs And Leaps onto your Lap As it Starts to lick Your Face.

(Y/n)[Laughing]:Easy!Easy,Boy!It's...It's Okay,I'm Here!

The Dog Starts Licking You and Used you as it's Pillow and Rested and You saw the Rest of the Viewers Surprised.....well Except Koneko & Blake But That's Because Their Basically Cats.

(L/n) Family:Milo!?


Adrien:Look at this Fellow.

Everyone from your family Begun to Crowd the dog As they began to pet Him or talk about how cute he is And Etc. And As For the Cat girls.

Blake:........Just Keep it Away from Me.


Rias:So,Who Exactly Is this 'Milo'?

As Rias Was Looking at the dog,Milo Suddenly Sneezes On her and The dog Snot landed in her face and Mouth.


will:Well While that's Going Down,Hey YO!(Y/n),Tell them About The dog.

(Y/n) Nods And explains the dog to those that didn't Know.

(Y/n):He's My pet Dog And I Had Him Since he was a Pup but how i got him was........

Before He Could Go On,(F/n) interrupts And Says This.

(F/n):He Asked Us For His Own Pet but We Said He Can Have A Pet on One Condition....

Your Mom Continues Where He Left and Says......

(M/n):When He's Older As He Was 4 And When We Let Him get A Pet,He Was 5 and We To The Pet Store And He picked Out.......

The Screen turned on to Show How You Got Your Pet.

(F/n) & (M/n) Were waiting For their Son to pick Out a Pet And He Came Back With A Puppy Following Him.

(F/n) & (M/n) Were waiting For their Son to pick Out a Pet And He Came Back With A Puppy Following Him

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Everyone(Especially Girls):Awwwwww

Toddler (Y/n):Mama!Papa!I Found A Pet,Can I Have Him?

The two looked at each other And Said this....

(F/n):Okay but Before he is Officially Yours,There's One thing that you have to do.

(M/n):And That's Naming Him.

(Y/n):Okay!How About.......Puppy!


(Y/n):I WAS 5!


Shadow:We should Care Because.........?


(Y/n):Oh.....how About Bown?


This Depressed You And you Suggested One More Name.

(Y/n):Can I Call Him 'Milo'?

Parents:That's Okay.

Rem:It's So nice.

Subaru:Dogs Are Great,Ya Know.

Ram:Though,I Don't Get Why My Son Wants Or Wanted A Pet.

(M/n):Perks and Problems As A Parent.

Fluttershy:Plus,Animals Are SO Cute.

(Y/n):Milo is My Buddy!Isn't That Right,Milo?

You Gave Him Bully Rubs As He Smiles And Moves his foot to show he likes The Affection.

Rarity:I Guess that's Okay.

Fluttershy:And Adorable.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now