Serious Smg4 Anime:Trailer

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Will:Hey Guys,Get ready For This For An Awesome Series That Will be Weird but We're Only Watching The Trailer.

(Y/n):Let's hope it's Good.

Goku:it might be Awesome.

It Showed Different Nintendo Games featuring Mario and Luigi Throughout the Years as A Narrator Began Speaking.

Narrator:The Mario Bros,The Biggest Superstars In Nintendo,Never Without a Smile,Stopping The enemy To Save The Princess And/Or Each Other.

Smg4 Mario Decided to Make Fun of peach since......Well,We all know how their "Relationship" is.


It Showed A picture of the Bros,Peach and Toad And Every Other Mario character smiling together....Until the Picture Started To burn Up and Become Destroyed.

Narrator:But What If it Was All A Lie?

(Bf/n):What does that mean?

It cut to the Big N's Company At Night and Everything Seemed Calm And Quiet Until.....

Smg4:What The...?

Axol:what Happened?!

Two Figures Are seen leaving the Building by Running but Miyamoto Said This.


Luigi:Was It Us?


Narrator:See The Truth and a Different Appearance of The Bros!

(An:Trailer Music)

The bros Were Still blacked Out but they Were Wearing Robes to Hide themselves from Nintendo as Well as Not Be Recognized.

Mario:Oh Yeah!

Mario Tries to make Himself Look different,So he Takes his Hat off....And Smg4 Slapped him on the back of the head.

Narrator:A Long Journey With New People,Friend and Foe.

The Bros Being Surrounded by Nintendo But Used Smg4 as a Hostage to get away safely and Threatening to Ruin His Game Image and therefore,Nintendo's Image.

The Bros and Smg4 Rap battling With a Guy in hood who had green eyes and saving Him From Psychotic Crazy Person.

Bob:Oh,thank God for Saving me and Letting get bitches for another Day.

The Trio Meet A Boy who had Blue and Green Shirt along with shorts and A LOT Of body Pillows.

Boopkins:That's me?I look different.

Our Red Man Meeting a girl who had a Mechanical arm but really Good at gaming.

Tari:It's Me.

The Bros,Smg4 and Their New Artist Friend Somehow Found Themselves Running Away From A Giant Penguin!

Axol:that was Me.

Narrator:And Even Find Something else Along the way.

Mario:Like what?

(Y/n):A new sense of meaning to your Life,Maybe?

(F/n):a Better Family than Those Nintendicks.

(Y/n):HA!Nice Burn,Dad.

(F/n):Thank you,Son.

Inkling Meggy and "Mario" Bumped Into Each Other And Immediately Got away with small blushes.

It Showed inkling Meggy about to fall off a Cliff And was Holding On by her Hand until our Boy Saved her giving A Smile that she Returned.

Boopkins:Wait....Could It Mean....Love?

Smg4:Between Mario and Meggy?.........

Smg4 Remained Silent Until....


Desti:I agree with Him,I Don't See it.

Will:'They're Shipped Because Of Their Friendship And How Close they are'

Meggy:Mario is Just My Friend,I don't think of him like that.

The Final shot Showed Everyone From The Smg4 Universe Looking Different but Awesome and Facing The Big N Itself.

Narrator:and Choosing Our Own fates.

The screen Turns White As The title Comes up to the Screen.

"Superstar's New Paths"

Coming Soon to theaters Near You

Will looked at them and asked What they think of it and this Is their Response.

Goku:It was Nice.

Mario:Mario Wanted to see Spaghetti on the Screen.

(Y/n):Something tells me that would Be an awesome Movie or T.V. Show.


Meggy:The Whole Romance Thing,I doubt but other than That,I'd Give it 7/10.

Asta:It was Fun.

Tanjiro:I agree with asta,It was rather fun to Watch.

Subaru:though,We All Still don't Know The Plot.

Everyone looked at Will and He Simply said this.

Will:Hey,Come on!I may be a god but i don't know Everything!Jeez.

Echo:Just ignore them,My Love and Focus On Me and Our Son......and Making Them Suffer.

Ignoring That,Everyone Still Thought this Trailer Was Pretty Good And Wonders what The Actual Plot Is but Decide to focus On The Now and what's their Next Viewing.

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