Powers For (Y/n)!

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*This Chapter Will be kinda like The Story "Quirks For Deku*

Will:Hey,Everyone!Get ready for Seeing The Mc of the Omniverse Just Randomly Get New Powers.

Power#1:Heat Vision

[Description:Allows the user to shoot a Very Powerful beam Similar to A laser from his Eyes,Do NOT Use without Care]

Izuku:Heat Vision?

Ruby:That would Be Pretty Cool.

(Y/n) Was Just In Class relaxing Until his Eyes started Shooting Lasers Causing Everyone to dodge with Danny And Lucas Almost Getting hit but jumped out of the way.

While with The Half-Oni,He was Screaming and Trying to Get his eyes to stop!

(Y/n):Seriously!I can't turn it off!

Yami:and There's the Downside.

Zenitsu:So he's Just Gonna Shoot Lasers at People?!

He Kept screaming Until their Teacher Knocks Him Unconscious and says to his students.

Teacher:This may be A Break time for you kids and you can be Imaginative but This Is just ridiculous.

Iida:Why is your teacher So calm?!

Chaos Class:He's Like That.


[Allows The User To Manipulate The Air Around Them to Do Anything They Want but Watch out for when they sneeze]

Mineta:Oh Yes!Than,the women's-

Will(Annoyed):Don't even think about it.

(Y/n) Was Shown Heading to Class but He Looked Sick and Rubbed His Nose as N.G and Uni asked if he's okay.

(Y/n):I'm Okay,It's just....i had a Runny Nose since this morning.

The Trio arrive In class where Out of The Blur,(Y/n) Sneezes But....


He sent all of his classmates Flying from A strong Wind Pressure......From His Nose.

Walker:(I/n)!You are So Dead.

(Y/n):But It Didn't even happen Here!


[The ability to make Clones Of Yourself But Warning,The Clones Have Their Own Thoughts and Feelings and they All feel the Same thing and The Original Is Their Leader]

Bailey:Wow,Clones of Big brother!

Walker:Oh Great,A League Of Idiots.


The (Y/n) Were Helping The Classmates all around Even Made dessert with Candy's Help.

Candy:Thanks,(Y/n) Clone#445

(Y/n) Clone:No Problem.

Freddy:Hey Original,How you feeling?

It showed The Original/Real (Y/n) On The Ground Looking Like He wants to puke.

(Y/n):Doing....Fine!OH GOD,NOT AGAIN!

He Looks Like He was Splitting into two and that's basically what happened as Another Clone arrived.

Xander:We Got Clone #606.

The Rest Of The Clones Were All Outside And Even Building Something and What Was It?A Spaceship To Make Their Own World and Celebrate The Original as God Since He created them but that planned Didn't last as They suddenly All Disappeared,While (Y/n) Was Puking Up his Breakfast and Lunch.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now