(Y/n) (L/n):The Video Game!

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Will:Guys,Check This Out!

(Y/n):Hey,Where's Sonic And The Others?

(Bf/n):Yeah and The Equestria Girls?

Tatsumi:What about Team Miraculous?

Everyone Else:No One Cares.

Will:I sent Them Back But Watch This.

??:Rated T to M

Clips Of Every Version Of You Was Shown As You were Shown Throughout The Multiverse With A Different Appearence But Being awesome!

Narrator:You Seen Him Make Your Wishes Come True And Save The Day.

(Y/n):I Did All That?

Will:Yes & No....That Make Sense?

Everyone Else:No.

Maki:We Seriously Don't know How That Could Make Sense.

Now,Clips Of You Fighting Everywhere Ranging From Earth To Space To Another Planet To Hidden Village To Hogwarts.

Narrator:You Read About And Watched Him Go into Action,No Matter The Situation!

You Were Now Just Standing There Doing Nothing.

Narrator:But Now.......

A Controller Floated Near You As It Began To Press Random Buttons And Began To Do The Exact Action That It Meant.

Narrator:Get Ready To GO In The All New Video Game With the SuperStar Himself,(Y/n) And Whoop Some Pyscho Ass Trying To Find A Way To fix Everything And Get Home!

(Y/n):Awesome,I Have a Game About Me!

(Bf/n) Was Shown As He Was Shooting The Shit Out Of Little monster Minions With this..... 

Narrator:Or Go Multiplayer And Team-Up with His Gun Weilding Partner,(Bf/n) As they Travel Through The Multiverse To Take On The Baddies! 

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Narrator:Or Go Multiplayer And Team-Up with His Gun Weilding Partner,(Bf/n) As they Travel Through The Multiverse To Take On The Baddies! 

(Bf/n):Sweet,That's A Mariner 590 or It Could Be a 500.

(Y/n):You Got a Shotgun?What Do I Get?

It Even Showed The Demo As It Showed you Jumping Onto Platforms And Dodged Lots Of Lava Or Acid Or Even Being Chased By The Biggest Evil Characters From Animes While Your Dear Friend,(Bf/n) Was Punching Diana Cavendish And Jumping Over A God damn Gorge Along with The Two of You Snowboarding Away from An Avalanche and Finally,You Two Shooting At The Screen With These Guns but You looked......like This.


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You Both Pulled the trigger On Your Own Respective Guns As Blood Appeared On The Screen And The Narrator said this....

Narrator:(Y/n) (L/n),Multiversal Madness!Game & System Sold Separately.

Will:So.......What did Ya Think?

Will Waited For Everyone's Response And This Happened.


Iris:Pretty Please!

Will:Just Don't Shout Again!

(Y/n):I Call Playing First Since It's about Me!

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now