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Will appears on screen and Says This...

Will:Hey,Everyone....Today,We are Gonna Look Over the Other Questions that we didn't answer And well,Answer them,Let's go.


"To Kirishima....

What Does it Mean To be A man!?"


Kirishima Looks At His Hand Remembering his Life before U.A. And Before Becoming Who he is Now.

Kirishima:...I'll Say This It's More than just acting tough. It's about respecting others,being honorable and having pride In Yourself And Others As Well As Fight Even If You're Scared because Being A Man Doesn't Mean You're Fearless But it Means you're Ready to fight even if your afraid.


Lucas Was Crying In a Similar Way That Kirishima Has Done And Spoke up.

Lucas:Dammit,Bro,You Got Me Crying.


"To (Y/n)....

What kind Of Video Games do you play?"

(Y/n):That's Easy,I like Stuff Like Sonic,Mario,Crash,Spyro And Kirby but That doesn't Mean I like Only Normal Kiddy Stuff,I Also Enjoy Ratchet & Clank Franchise,Gta 5,Call Of Duty Modern Warfare & Black Ops,Oh!And Mortal Kombat X but That's Not even All of them.

Everyone Was Surprised by that And Only One Person Can Say One Thing.

Henry:you really Do Like Video Games,Don't You?

An R.A.G.(Random Author God)

"To Will....

If You and The Other Councilmen(And Tempest) Were Power Rangers,What Roles Would you Have?"

Will:Well....I'd Say I'd Be The Blue Ranger but The other Colors?Red Is Most Definitely The Chief,Black Is Probably Either Tempest Or Drake and The others.....Ben Is Probably Gold.

Echo:What about Me?

Will:I Don't know.


"To (Y/n)....

What Would You Do,If you had Spider-Man's Powers?"

(Y/n):Become Spider-Man?

(Bf/n):I Mean,The Only Other Option Is Being a Villain,Which No one wants.


"To (Bf/n)....

What's The Stupidest Thing you ever done with (Y/n)?Go Wild"

(Bf/n):I........Actually Don't Know,I Done A Lot Of Stuff With him And I known him Since Preschool,So Our Shenanigans Go WAY Back but The Stupidest?Hard to Say.

Will:Well,You can Figure that Out As We Go To another Viewing.


Stella:I was getting bored.

Viven:Make it Happy!

Daisy:Make it About Angel.

(Y/n):Stop Calling Me That!

Zoey:Make it Funny.

Will Sighs As This Is Gonna Get Ugly....REALLY Fast.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now