Kamen Rider Deku Episode 1

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Will Came Back into the Theater After Disappearing and (Y/n) Asked Him Where He Was.

Echo:I wanna Know That as well,You left after we saw that our Fridge was Gone despite me telling you,We Can get a new one,Where did you go?


Jair900:Alright,let's See What's the Next Universe-

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Jair900:Alright,let's See What's the Next Universe-

Than,A loud Crash was Heard behind them.

Jair900:What The?!

Will,A member of the council came in landing through the ceiling Looking Straight Up Pissed Off!

Will,A member of the council came in landing through the ceiling Looking Straight Up Pissed Off!

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And he's looking for a Certain somebody and that somebody is.....


Said god looks and Immediately knows He's screwed once he sees Will.

Said god looks and Immediately knows He's screwed once he sees Will

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Tempest:Oh shit!


Everyone In the theater:Who's Will?!

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now