(L/n) Parents & Team Strq:Teen Years

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Will:Alright,We'll Go to those Questions later but Right Now is That We're Gonna Go Back To The Teenage Adults...If Ya Know What i mean.


(M/n):don't Worry.

Summer:It Won't be Bad.......Maybe.

Tai:Let's Hope.

Qrow And Tai Were Shown in construction Worker Uniform at an Old House,The Reason?Repair And Sell.

Qrow:That's Genius!

Tai:More Like Stupid.

(F/n):I Agree.

Qrow:Alright,Tai,I'm gonna go up to the upper level and run this wire down through the wall. Grab your walkie,I'll call you when I get up there.


Qrow walks away, is heard over the walkie-talkie

Qrow:Tai,pick up. Over!


Qrow:Tai,please say "over" when you are finished talking. Over!

Tai:That's Just Stupid!

Qrow:But Effective.

(F/n):Against Who?Losers?


Qrow:Do you see the wire yet? Over.



Tai Sighs And Says It Seeing That He's Gonna Have to be told to say this A LOT!


Qrow:Okay,I'm gonna start feeding it through. Over.

Tai:Wait,Than Why Ask Me If I Could See It?

Tai:Wait,If you haven't started feeding it,Why'd ya ask me if I could see it?

Qrow Didn't Respond On His End Until he did.

Qrow:Didn't copy that. Over.

Tai:I said why did ya ask me if I could see it if you haven't started feeding it. Over.

Qrow:Oh that's better, I can hear you now. Over. Do you see it yet? Over.

This Pissed Tai Off And He Got Angry At Qrow And Said...

Tai:You know, you're a jackass And For the record,I don't wanna hang out with you anymore when this is over.

Qrow:Aw,Tai,Come On!

Qrow:When this is what,Tai?Over.

Tai:I said, "I don't wanna hang out with you anymore when this is over"

Qrow:When this is what? You've got to finish your sentence. Over.

Tai:That's it,my sentence is over.

Qrow:Your sentence is what,Tai? Over.

Tai:My sentence is....

Tai Realizes The Situation And Says It Out Loud.

Tai:Wait a minute...I have to say over, even if the sentence ends with the word "over?"

Qrow:Ends with the word what,Tai? Over.

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